A nice song I found myself humming today. I guess I had a reason for it. Hmm.

Watching a (
yet another) film that involves a near-death experience with a
David Bowie song on the background (an English series called
Life on Mars), I noticed this great song and I thought I should share it with you. Here it is:

I really like Korn, they are heavy, melodic and the lead singer is pretty unique. I haven't posted anything by them yet because I was a teenager when I was listening to them. I remembered loving the video for Falling Away from Me and wanted to share it with
my bloggies :).

No, you are not mistaken, the voice for this band is
Juliette Lewis herself, a pretty known actress that usually interprets beautifully screwed up characters. No wonder her music is similar :) But when I first heard of the band I didn't even bother to listen to them. Not another acting celebrity trying to sing! But when I found out the vocal on Prodigy's
Spitfire and
Hot Ride songs was Juliette Lewis, I changed my mind. And I am glad I did. Here is the weird and nicely sung
Hot Kiss.
MySpace page for Juliette & the LicksWikipedia entryJuliette & the Licks fan site 
I am obsessed by this song, I am just listening to it again and again, typing at hyperspeed while I am doing it (I wish I would type meaningful things, too :) ).
The video itself is from Smack My Bitch Up, but YouTube again blocked a cool clip so I had to take another from some other place. I couldn't find the original video for the song. (One that wasn't a fan made anime clip :-|)
Update: even worse, all video platforms other than Youtube have been sued out of existence and even on YouTube the only versions of this song you find are live concerts. It's amazing: a beloved video of a famous song just vanished off the Internet... If you find it somewhere, please let me know. Meanwhile, this is a remix version...
Usage: Pump up the volume and get in front of a keyboard on monday morning. :)

Long time since I posted a song on the blog. This is one old, but good song AND video. Rarely you find a truly good combination of sound and presentation nowadays. Quoting from
the Wikipedia article for this song:
Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke wrote the song about a narcissistic friend of his, which on closer inspection is showcased by the imagery in the lyrics - a parallel to earlier My Iron Lung EP track "Lewis [Mistreated]". He also says that it was somewhat of a competition between him and Jonny Greenwood to see who could fit the most chords into a song. "Just" is especially notable for Greenwood's guitar solo, which showcases some of his first uses of the Digitech Whammy Pedal. The guitar work in the song has been seen as an homage to post-punk band Magazine, one of Radiohead's key influences at the time.The video reminds me of an old sci-fi story I've read about a word that, when heard by a person, would transform them into a purple jelly cone, including the one saying it. When someone finally understood and accepted the reality of it, it all turned into a race to stop a deaf person going to a radio station and speaking the word. He was immune, you see. Anyway, enjoy.

Now this is one cool song.
If the quality would have been just a little bit better... Anyway, I have been searching the entire videosphere looking for something even remotely similar. Bjork is weird, but usually restrained in her singing. In this video she shows the power in that tiny Icelandic body. Still searching... Skin sounds great as always, but I feel she can't really keep up :)
You might want to see
this video as well. High quality and a collection of weird instruments, but not my favourite way of remixing a song.

Update: Damn YouTube and their lawsuits! I had to change the song with another live performance, but it isn't that good. Well, the quality of the video is better, but not so emotional.
This is a song that I find myself liking while listening to my music in the background. It's a pretty difficult feat, since I usually type away and don't really pay attention to what I listen. I am putting the live show from Spain, because I think that the
official video for this song is crap. Enjoy!

Hey, a long time since I posted a song. Here is a Japanese rock+hip pop video for one of the soundtrack songs of Naruto.
And if you like it, listen some more on
this MySpace site.

I saw this chick sing "They" on Mtv. She was stripping in space in that video, a thing that I found a bit distasteful, even if it did link to
a Jane Fonda scene in a film called
Barbarella, Queen of the Galaxy. But that's the MTV world: strip if you want to get noticed. True enough, I haven't seen any other of her videos on any music television since, but then I stopped watching them.
Jem (real name Jemma Griffiths) is a Welsh singer and this is (I guess) the original video of "They". She is young, beautiful, but also has a nice voice and sound. Check her out at
her official web site or the
MySpace site.

I remembered today of a song that I liked to listen to called Everything for Free, by K's Choice. Back then (oh, my tired bones) the Internet was not yet as... evolved as these days and you couldn't really get all the discography of an artist in a few minutes, so I only listened to this one song that was also on MTV.
I am putting the video clip here, but really do look into the singer, Sarah Bettens, who also has a solo project beyond K's Choice and has a lot of videos on YouTube. Here are some sites you can visit:
| K's Choice | Sarah Bettens |
Official Site | X | X |
Myspace Site | X | X |
Wikipedia Site | X | X |

This song is one of my latest favourites, even if the sound itself is a bit too much like country music, the lyrics are really funny. I wasn't able to find the video for the song, so here is a random video one.
Poe, by her real name
Ann Danielewski is the daughter of the Polish director Tad Danielewski and is singing since 1990. Look for her other songs as well, some are really smart and they sound pretty cool.