The scenario is as follows: you want to attach a collection to an element and fill it via XAML. The objects that you add to the collection should inherit the element DataContext.

One issue arising is that if you use an attached property for a collection you cannot use a default value in the metadata (since it would be used for all the instances of the property) and that if you don't instantiate it, any attempt to add stuff to it via the markup will result in a collection null exception. If this were a mere dependency property from inside the control, the solution would have been to create the collection in the element constructor. Since it is an attached one, we don't have this mechanism available.

Another solution would be to instantiate it in the property getter, like a normal property with a backing field, but in the case of XAML, the dependency and attached properties are accessed directly via the DependencyObject.GetValue method, bypassing the parent class property getter entirely. The only solution to force going through the getter is to register the attached property with a name string that is different from the convention.

A quick example:

public static DependencyProperty MyAttachedCollectionProperty =
typeof (ObservableCollection<MyItem>),
typeof (ParentClass),
new PropertyMetadata(null));

Above we are registering an attached property of type ObservableCollection<MyItem> ingeniously named MyAttachedCollection from a class named ParentClass. The convention says we whould register it using a name that is the DependencyProperty name without the ending "Property". I, however, have added an "Internal" string, which forces the property system to go through the getter!
Here is the getter:

public static void SetMyAttachedCollection(UIElement element, ObservableCollection<MyItem> value)
if (element != null)
element.SetValue(MyAttachedCollectionProperty, value);

public static ObservableCollection<MyItem> GetMyAttachedCollection(UIElement element)
ObservableCollection<MyItem> collection =
(ObservableCollection<MyItem>) element.GetValue(MyAttachedCollectionProperty);
if (collection == null)
collection = new ObservableCollection<MyItem>();
SetMyAttachedCollection(element, collection);
return collection;

Voila! This allows you to instantiate in the getter the troublesome collection.

Now, the other request in the scenario is to inherit the DataContext from the element the collection is attached to. To do that we at least need that the collection and the items in it to be DependencyObjects in order to have a DataContext, but we are going even further: we need to define them as Freezable! The Freezable abstract class requires you to implement a CreateInstanceCore method. Just make the MyItem class inherit Freezable and throw a NotImplementedException in the CreateInstanceCore method. For the collection itself, we need to inherit from another useful class: FreezableCollection<T>. After replacing ObservableCollection with FreezableCollection, the collection and the items have the same DataContext property as the element the property is attached to. An interesting fact here is that Freezable does NOT inherit from FrameworkElement, but it is a DependencyObject and the DataContext property does propagate down through the element tree.

One last interesting thing: the FreezableCollection class implements INotifyCollectionChanged, but explicitly! In order to use the CollectionChanged event you need to cast it in code to INotifyCollectionChanged.

Before you go on, let me summarize this long post for you: while it is possible to clone a control template in order to change just some things in it, it is a difficult and error prone process. The code at the end of the post is a proof of concept thing, which works for simple scenarios, but needs additional work for complicated controls.

I was exploring the option of not overwriting the ControlTemplate of a WPF Control when I try adding stuff to it. Instead, I tried to get the ControlTemplate and manipulate it before putting it back. It is not as easy as it seems. Even more, people stack over each other to advise everybody not to do it. I am not saying it is an easy option, so my advice is to try other alternatives, if you have them, but the idea is: it can be done!

Let's take it step by step. In order to get the control template we should get it as soon as it is available, but perhaps before applying it. One could override OnApplyTemplate and do it there or, as it is my case (trying to do it via attached properties and lacking an ApplyingTemplate event), do it once when the control is initializing. The control template is easily obtained via the Template property. If you try to change anything in it, though, you will get an exception, because the template is sealed. So the only option is to clone it, change stuff in it, then set the control template to that clone.

The template is of type ControlTemplate, but it doesn't seem to contain much. It has Resources and Triggers properties, also a VisualTree property and a LoadContent method. There is also a Template property in the ControlTemplate class... try to set it and a null exception will be thrown, so forget it. The first two are easy to use, just iterate through the collections. VisualTree is of the weird and undocumented type FrameworkElementFactory, while LoadContent is a method that returns a DependencyObject.

Well, the idea is that LoadContent will return the content of the template which you should use to set the VisualTree property, but the process of getting a DependencyObject and getting a FrameworkElementFactory tree is not simple.

First things first: get a new ControlTemplate. Its contructor gets a Type parameter which we take from the TargetType property of the original template. We then add any resources from the original template to the resources of the new one. Next step is to take the content, using LoadContent, which will get us the first child of the element tree. In order to traverse it we will use the VisualTreeHelper static class which exposes the GetChildrenCount and GetChild methods.

The next step is to create a FrameworkElementFactory. It has a constructor which receives a Type and another which gets a Type and a name string. We will use the first, since the Name can be set afterwards. The type we get from the type of the DependencyObject returned by LoadContent. The VisualTree of the new control template will have to be this new factory object, but it also needs all the properties of the original object as well as all its children.

In order to get the dependency and attached properties of each element we will use the MarkupWriter.GetMarkupObjectFor method, which returns a MarkupObject. Each of its Properties will have a DependencyProperty property which will give us the properties. However, the value of the property is not so easy to get. If we use GetValue, any binding or markup extensions will be evaluated and probably give wrong results (since the control has not been initialized yet). Using ReadLocalValue brings us pretty close, only that for certain objects like Binding we don't get a BindingBase object, but a BindingExpressionBase. We need to cast the value we get to BindingExpressionBase and TemplateBindingExpression and get to the underlying binding object.

Now that we've got the properties and the correct values, we use the factory SetValue method to set it. A special case is Name which must be set directly to the Name property. We use AppendChild to add a factory to a parent factory.

The last step is to get the Triggers from the original template and copy it in the new one. Now Seal it and you have yourself a clone. Not sure how one would manipulate the template to get a usable and maintainable template manipulation, but this is how you start.

I know you are suckers for code, so here it is:

Update: Actually the collapsed code below doesn't work except for the simplest of templates. There are several reasons for it and I will explore them below.
Click to expand

The first problem I found was dependency properties registered as read only that could only be set from XAML, like VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups. When trying to use the FrameworkElementFactory SetValue method it would throw an error. Funny enough, the only reason that happened is because said method is checking if the property is read only and throws an exception. I had to use reflection to circumvent this, and it worked, albeit really ugly.

The second problem was more basic. Not every property is a dependency property. Such a simple property is Grid.ColumnDefinitions! Not only it is not a dependency property, but it is also read only. So I had to find another mechanism to fix this. At this point you probably realise this method is not a good one to employ, but if you are really desperate (or stubborn, like me) there is a way. The solution I found is to save all the properties that I need to set into a list and then set them in a RoutedEventHandler invoked from the Loaded event!

And if this is not enough, simply setting the value from the template in the control doesn't always work. In the generated template control the ColumnDefinition objects are already in the ColumnDefinitionCollection of the control. Adding them to a control that the factory generates results in an error. What I did here is a simple value=XamlReader.Parse(XamlWriter.Save(value)).

In other cases, like the Border.Child property, it must be completely ignored! So a list of properties to be ignored is needed.

Conclusion: Some improvements have been done in the code, but it's a little larger than before. The complicated way in which this works makes it cumbersome to be used, and I would not recommend it, but it works and it has extension points where errors with properties can be handled. Here is the new code:
#region Using directives

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Markup;


namespace BestPractices
/// <summary>
/// Base class for ControlTemplate transforming classes
/// </summary>
public abstract class BaseTemplateTransformer : BaseControlTransformer
#region Public Methods

/// <summary>
/// Clones the ControlTemplate of a control and allows for its manipulation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="control"></param>
public override void Transform(Control control)
ControlTemplate template = control.Template;
if (template == null)
// create new template
ControlTemplate newTemplate = new ControlTemplate(template.TargetType);
// copy the resources
foreach (object key in template.Resources.Keys)
newTemplate.Resources.Add(key, template.Resources[key]);
//get the VisualTree factory from the original template content
DependencyObject content = template.LoadContent();
newTemplate.VisualTree = OnGetElementFactory(content);
// copy the triggers
foreach (TriggerBase trigger in template.Triggers)
// allow for template manipulation
// seal the template and set it back
control.Template = newTemplate;

/// <summary>
/// Creates a custom ControlTransformFactory for the content object.
/// Override in order to replace elements in the initial template.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual ControlTransformFactory OnGetElementFactory(DependencyObject content)
if (content == null)
return null;
// use the object type
ControlTransformFactory factory = new ControlTransformFactory(content, this);
return factory;

/// <summary>
/// Returns a safe value for setting on the control
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The value from the template</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual object GetSafeValue(object item)
return getSafeValue((dynamic) item);

/// <summary>
/// Returns true if a property needs to be saved and set when the control loads.
/// Defaults to false, except for ColumnDefinitions and RowDefinitions
/// </summary>
/// <param name="propertyDescriptor"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual bool MustSetProperty(PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor)
return sMustSetProperties.Contains(propertyDescriptor.Name);


#region Protected Methods

/// <summary>
/// Allows for the manipulation of a control template
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newTemplate"></param>
protected virtual void OnBeforeSeal(ControlTemplate newTemplate)


#region Statics

private static readonly List<string> sMustSetProperties = new List<string>

/// <summary>
/// Transforms a DependencyObject tree into a FrameworkElementFactory tree
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ControlTransformFactory CreateElementFactory(DependencyObject content)
if (content == null)
return null;
// use the object type
ControlTransformFactory factory = new ControlTransformFactory(content);
return factory;

/// <summary>
/// default return the same value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static object getSafeValue(object value)
return value;

/// <summary>
/// try to clone ColumnDefinition objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="columnDefinition"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static object getSafeValue(ColumnDefinition columnDefinition)
return clone(columnDefinition);

/// <summary>
/// try to clone RowDefinition objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rowDefinition"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static object getSafeValue(RowDefinition rowDefinition)
return clone(rowDefinition);

/// <summary>
/// Clones an item via Xaml write/parse
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static object clone(object element)
string str = XamlWriter.Save(element);
return XamlReader.Parse(str);


#region Using directives

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Markup.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Media;


namespace BestPractices
/// <summary>
/// FrameworkElementFactory used in control template transformers
/// </summary>
public class ControlTransformFactory : FrameworkElementFactory
#region Nested

internal class NoTemplateTransformer : BaseTemplateTransformer


#region Instance fields

private readonly BaseTemplateTransformer mTemplateTransformer;

private RoutedEventHandler mLoadHandler;
private List<MarkupProperty> mSimpleProperties;


#region Properties

/// <summary>
/// List of non dependency properties that will be set when the control loads
/// </summary>
protected List<MarkupProperty> SimpleProperties
if (mSimpleProperties == null)
mSimpleProperties = new List<MarkupProperty>();
return mSimpleProperties;


#region Constructors

public ControlTransformFactory(DependencyObject content,
BaseTemplateTransformer templateTransformer = null)
: base(content.GetType())
mTemplateTransformer = templateTransformer ?? new NoTemplateTransformer();
// set its name
string name = content.GetValue(FrameworkElement.NameProperty) as string;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
Name = name;
// copy the properties
foreach (MarkupProperty propertyItem in getProperties(content))
// do it recursively
int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(content);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(content, i);


#region Public Methods

/// <summary>
/// SetValue that uses reflection to force DependencyProperties that were registered as read only
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dependencyProperty"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <param name="forceSetReadOnly"></param>
public void SetValue(DependencyProperty dependencyProperty, object value,
bool forceSetReadOnly = false)
if (!forceSetReadOnly)
base.SetValue(dependencyProperty, value);
forceSetValue(dependencyProperty, value);

/// <summary>
/// Sets a value from a MarkupProperty object.
/// Dependency properties will be set via SetValue and the others via a Loaded handler on the object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="propertyItem"></param>
public void SetProperty(MarkupProperty propertyItem)
DependencyProperty property = propertyItem.DependencyProperty;
if (property == null)
object value = propertyItem.Value;
if (value == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
SetValue(property, value, property.ReadOnly);


#region Private Methods

/// <summary>
/// Force set value in the factory, even if the property is ReadOnly
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dp"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
private void forceSetValue(DependencyProperty dp, object value)
object resourceKey = getResourceKey(value);
if (resourceKey == null)
updatePropertyValueList(dp, value is TemplateBindingExtension
? "TemplateBinding"
: "Set", value);
updatePropertyValueList(dp, "Resource", value);

/// <summary>
/// Invoke the private UpdatePropertyValueList on the factory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dp"></param>
/// <param name="propertyValueTypeName"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
private void updatePropertyValueList(DependencyProperty dp,
string propertyValueTypeName, object value)
object propertyValueType = Enum.Parse(sPropertyValueTypeType, propertyValueTypeName);
sUpdatePropertyValueListProperty.Invoke(this, new[] {dp, propertyValueType, value});

/// <summary>
/// Set a property to have its value set at load time
/// </summary>
/// <param name="markupProperty"></param>
private void setSimpleProperty(MarkupProperty markupProperty)
if (markupProperty.PropertyDescriptor == null)
if (!mTemplateTransformer.MustSetProperty(markupProperty.PropertyDescriptor))
if (mLoadHandler == null)
mLoadHandler = new RoutedEventHandler(simplePropertyHandler);
AddHandler(FrameworkElement.LoadedEvent, mLoadHandler);

/// <summary>
/// Handler on the Loaded event of the control
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="args"></param>
private void simplePropertyHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
foreach (MarkupProperty propertyItem in SimpleProperties)
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyItem.PropertyDescriptor;
if (propertyDescriptor == null || propertyItem.Value == null)
if (propertyDescriptor.IsReadOnly)
IList list = propertyItem.Value as IList;
if (list != null)
IList destinationList = propertyDescriptor.GetValue(sender) as IList;
if (destinationList != null)
foreach (object item in list)
//shouldn't happend
// what now?
propertyDescriptor.SetValue(sender, mTemplateTransformer.GetSafeValue(propertyItem.Value));
FrameworkElement element = (FrameworkElement) sender;
element.RemoveHandler(FrameworkElement.LoadedEvent, mLoadHandler);


#region Statics

static ControlTransformFactory()
// Get the types and methods that will be used in Reflection scenarios
sUpdatePropertyValueListProperty =
typeof (FrameworkElementFactory).GetMethod("UpdatePropertyValueList",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
sPropertyValueTypeType =
typeof (FrameworkElementFactory).Assembly.GetType("System.Windows.PropertyValueType");

private static readonly MethodInfo sUpdatePropertyValueListProperty;
private static readonly Type sPropertyValueTypeType;

/// <summary>
/// get the properties set on a DependencyObject
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static IEnumerable<MarkupProperty> getProperties(DependencyObject content)
MarkupObject markupObject = MarkupWriter.GetMarkupObjectFor(content);
return markupObject.Properties;

/// <summary>
/// Get the ResourceKey property from an object, if it exists
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static object getResourceKey(object target)
if (target == null)
return null;
Type type = target.GetType();
PropertyInfo property = type.GetProperty("ResourceKey");
if (property == null)
return null;
return property.GetValue(target, new object[] {});


I had this control that consisted of a textbox and a squigly red line in case of a required value error. In order to do it, I added the textbox and the line to a Grid, without specifying column or row values, so that the line would come above the textbox. It all worked well until I wanted to make the control align to the left, thus growing with the content entered in it. To my surprise, the control would stretch to the content width when in edit mode and go to 202 pixels outside it. The only things in the template were a textbox and a line inside a grid and a border, so I proceeded on inspecting all of their attributes in search for the culprit. It so happens that the Line was it!

Update: The Microsoft guys responded in a day to my bug report, but they couldn't reproduce it. It seems this behavior can be reproduced only in a Grid column with Width="Auto". Frankly, I was a bit surprised to see that, lacking that grid column, a line with Stretch="Fill" and HorizontalAlignment to "Left" would still expand the container to its maximum size. End update.
The code looked like this:

<Style x:Key="StyleRequiredUnderline" TargetType="{x:Type Line}">
<Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Left"/>
<Setter Property="Stretch" Value="Fill"/>
<Setter Property="X1" Value="0"/>
<Setter Property="X2" Value="1"/>
<Setter Property="Y1" Value="0"/>
<Setter Property="Y2" Value="0"/>
<Setter Property="MaxWidth" Value="200"/>

<TextBlock x:Name="TextBlock" />
<Line Name="RequiredUnderline" Style="{StaticResource StyleRequiredUnderline}"
As you can see, the line is Left aligned, it has no specified Width, the only giveaway is the Stretch property set to Fill. Now, you think that was the problem, but it was not! See that I have a MaxWidth of 200. That was per request.

It appears that if I remove the MaxWidth setting, the line goes DOWN to the normal size of the parent inner width. MaxWidth, not MinWidth, mind you. Ok, so I've tried some other things. Stretch to None makes the line be 1px long. Setting X2 to 200 makes the line take 200px, same as setting Width. HorizontalAlignment to Stretch makes the line go to the center of the space if it is bigger than the 200 MaxWidth.

The solution? I've bound the Width of the line to the ActualWidth of the TextBlock above. Another option would have been to surround the line with a scrollviewer or some other control that would allow the line to be as long as it wanted without showing a scrollbar or stretching to the size of its content. Either solution seems bad.

Is this a bug? I think so. If the Stretch property should have affected the space the line takes, then it should have done so when MaxWidth was set to Infinity, but it did not. Well, hopes it helps someone. Final code piece for the line:

<TextBlock x:Name="TextBlock" />
<Line Name="RequiredUnderline" Style="{StaticResource StyleRequiredUnderline}"
Width="{Binding ActualWidth,ElementName=TextBlock}" />

Update: The fix I've exemplified above doesn't work when the HorizontalAlignment of the grid is Stretch or has a Width and the TextBox doesn't have a Left HorizontalAlignment. I have tried to replace the Line with a ScrollViewer with hidden scrolling on the horizontal and disabled on the vertical and having a MaxWidth of 200, Inside placing the troublesome Line. I've tried all kinds of panels and combinations of HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, ClipToBounds, etc. All to no avail.

Finally, the solution was to create a simple control that would ignore the dimensions of the child controls, demanding no space. I named it ClipContainer and here is its source:

public class ClipContainer : ContentControl
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
return new Size(0, 0);

<TextBlock x:Name="TextBlock" />
<Line Name="RequiredUnderline" Style="{StaticResource StyleRequiredUnderline}" />
I've put the line in this control, MaxWidth and all, and the control stretched to the size of its container and clipped all of its contents.

Also, like any responsible developer , I went to Microsoft Connect to add this issue as a bug. Here is the bug report. Vote it up if it affects you.

Sometimes, when working with a WPF application, Snoop would crash with the most innovative error messages possible. One of these was 'Object' type does not have a matching DependencyObjectType. Well, of course it doesn't, but where does this come from, why only when I use Snoop and how do I fix it?

I won't bore you with the details, enough said I have traced the problem to an AttachedPropertyBrowsableForTypeAttribute I have used on an attached property. I was using a Resharper Live Template (a snippet) to generate the code for the property and I'd accidentally forgot to set a proper type in the attribute and left the default object.

The thing looked like this:

[AttachedPropertyBrowsableForType(typeof (object))]
Replacing object with my control fixed the Snoop crash.

I had this container that I wanted to handle any mouse click events. So I proceeded on creating an attached property that has a property changed callback in which I would take the element and add a mouse handler to it. Pretty standard stuff, only it didn't quite work. It also blocked any events in the children. As I knew this should have happened in Preview events, not in normal events, I was stumped.

The problem: the attached property was defined with FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Inherits which meant its value applied to all the children, meaning the value changes on all children when I set it on the parent. That meant the handler for the mouse click events was attached to the container and each of its descendants.

The scenario is that an Image that has its Stretch property set to None still has a different size from the original image source. You check the Padding, the Margin, the VerticalAlignment and HorizontalAlignment properties, you play with the RenderOptions and SnapsToDevicePixels and nothing seems to work. You specify the Width and Height manually and the image is clipped. The problem here, believe it or not, is that the DPI setting of the image source is different from the system DPI setting.

The solution is an ugly thing:

Width="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Source.PixelWidth}"
Height="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Source.PixelHeight}"/>
So set the Stretch to Fill so that it doesn't fill!

Here is the discussion where I got the solution from: How do I keep an image from being stretched when Stretch="None" doesn't work?.

The scenario is easy enough to create: make a Brush, use a Binding as the Color property, use your brush in your app, then start the application and change the system theme. An error "This freezable can not be frozen" will be triggered. The solution is to set x:Shared="False" for the brushes with color bindings.

An entire Microsoft Connect page is devoted to this issue, so get all the details there: Changing system theme throws "This freezable can not be frozen" exception

Update February 2016: The Microsoft Connect page has disappeared. Maybe it was because the bug was marked as "closed - by design", or some other Microsoft site revamp idiocy.

I had this control where a button was displaying a ContextMenu. I wanted to keep the ContextMenu open so I can manipulate its content. I had assumed that the StaysOpen property would do that for me; it did not. Also, I tried using a ContextMenuClosing event approach, only to discover that it is one of those rare "ing" events that doesn't have a Cancel property. I've looked in the sources of ContextMenu and Popup to see just what is going on and I have decided that the design was impossible to patch in order to get the behaviour I wanted.

In the end, the only solution I could find was to inherit from ContextMenu into a new class that would coerce the IsOpen property to true when StaysOpen is set to true. That did the trick. Here is the code:

public class StaysOpenContextMenu:ContextMenu
static StaysOpenContextMenu()

private static void fixContextMenuStaysOpen()
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, null,coerceIsOpen));
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, null, coerceStaysOpen));

private static object coerceStaysOpen(DependencyObject d, object basevalue)
return basevalue;

private static object coerceIsOpen(DependencyObject d, object basevalue)
ContextMenu menu = (ContextMenu)d;
if (menu.StaysOpen)
return true;
return basevalue;


Hope it helps people out.


This solution only works for the body of the ContextMenu, the submenus are something else. However, the submenus are defined in the control template of a menu item, so that can be easily remedied by changing it to your needs. One quick and dirty solution would be to add a trigger that sets the IsSubMenuOpen property to true whenever StaysOpenOnClick is set. Or, if you simply want to freeze a menu in place, change the template so that the mouse click or hover will only trigger IsSubMenuOpen when the parent ContextMenu has StaysOpen to false, while the StaysOpen property of the MenuItem Popup is set to the ContextMenu StaysOpen.

I was working on this application and so I found it easy to create some controls as UserControl classes. However, I realised that if I wish to centralize the styling of the application or even move some of the controls in their own control library with a Themes folder, I would need to transform them into Control classes.

I found that there are two major problems that must be overcome:

  1. the named controls in a user control can be accessed as fields in the code behind; a theme style does not allow such direct access to the elements in the control template.
  2. the controls that expose an event may not expose an associated command. In a user control a simple code behind handler method can be attached to a child control event, but in a theme a command must be available in order to be bound.

Granted, when the first problem is solved, it is easy to attach events in the code of the control to the child elements, but this presents two very ugly problems: the template of the control will need to contain the child elements in question and the event will not be declared in the theme, so the behaviour would be fixed as well.

I will solve the handling of events as commands by using a solution from Samuel Jack. The article is pretty detailed, but to make the story short, one creates an attached property for each of the handled events by using a helper class:

public static class TextBoxBehaviour
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextChangedCommand =
TextBox.TextChangedEvent, "TextChangedCommand", typeof (TextBoxBehaviour));

public static void SetTextChangedCommand(DependencyObject o, ICommand value)
o.SetValue(TextChangedCommand, value);

public static ICommand GetTextChangedCommand(DependencyObject o)
return o.GetValue(TextChangedCommand) as ICommand;

then by using a very simple syntax on the control that fires the event:

<TextBox ff:TextBoxBehaviour.TextChangedCommand="{Binding TextChanged}"/>

The problem regarding access to the elements in the template is solved by reading the elements by name from the template. In some situations, like when one uses a control as a source for a data control (like using a TreeView as the first item in a ComboBox), the approach will have to be more complicated, but considering the element is stored in the template of the control, something like this replaces the work that InitializeComponent does inside a UserControl:

[TemplatePart(Name = "PART_textbox", Type = typeof (TextBox))]
public class MyThemedControl : Control, ITextControl
private TextBox textbox;

public override void OnApplyTemplate()
textbox = Template.FindName("PART_textbox", this) as TextBox;

The code is pretty straight forward: use the FrameworkTemplate.FindName method to find the elements in the OnApplyTemplate override and remember them as fields that you can access. The only weird part is the use of the TemplatePartAttribute, which is not mandatory for this to work, but is part of a pattern recommended by Microsoft. Possibly in the future tools will check for the existence of named elements in the templates and compare them against the ones declared in the control source.

The code of a demo project can be downloaded here.

Some other technologies I have used in the project:

  • the RelayCommand class, to make it easier to defined ICommand objects from code without declaring a type for each.
  • the AccessKeyScoper class that allows an IsDefault button to act locally in a panel.

If you google the net for using visual effects in WPF you are very likely to hit BitmapEffects. Well, bad news, BitmapEffect is obsolete and broken in WPF4. Instead you have Effect. The idea is to write (or download) a custom Effect for the things one would normally do using the slow (but easy to use) BitmapEffects. Also, the BitmapEffectGroup doesn't work anymore and has no alternative in WPF4. Bummer! According to Dr. WPF, the framework will try to automatically translate the older BitmapEffects to the new ones. That applies for BlurBitmapEffect and for DropShadowBitmapEffect with a Noise level of 0, for the others... you are on your own.

There were 5 default BitmapEffect classes in WPF3:
  1. BlurBitmapEffect - the WPF4 alternative is BlurEffect
  2. OuterGlowBitmapEffect - the WPF4 alternative in the Microsoft article is BlurEffect, but I have found that it can be replaced by DropShadowEffect with ShadowDepth set to 0
  3. DropShadowBitmapEffect - the WPF4 alternative is DropShadowEffect
  4. BevelBitmapEffect - the WPF4 alternative is a custom class inheriting from Effect.
  5. EmbossBitmapEffect - the WPF4 alternative is a custom class inheriting from Effect.

I found this project when googling to a simpler way of building ShaderEffects: WPF ShaderEffect Generator. Also, a discussion about a Bevel ShaderEffect here led me to this WPF shader library, but it's last release date is somewhere in March 2009.

I am using this WPF control that looks like a headered panel. On the header there is a menu, a button and then, underneath, some content that could be anything. I had this request that, when using the Tab key to navigate, the focus should first come to the button, which is not the first control in the header, then jump to the controls in the content and then jump back to the menu. In other words, to make the menu the last controls that can be reached via the Tab key inside this WPF control.

Well, in WPF there is this class called KeyboardNavigation which has some very useful attached properties: TabIndex (which defaults to int.MaxValue) and TabNavigation (which defaults to Continue). As in Windows Forms, one needs to set the TabIndex to control the navigation order, but the TabNavigation property makes it a lot more versatile and clear as well. In my case, I had to do the following:
  1. Set the entire panel control to KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation=Local. That allowed me to control the tab index inside the control, otherwise the TabIndex value would have been global to the window
  2. Set the TabIndex of the button to 1. That made the button the first thing to be selected in case I use Tab to navigate in the panel
  3. Set the TabIndex of the content to 2. This set the controls in the content as the next controls to be accessed via the Tab key
  4. Set the TabNavigation value of the content to Local. Without this, the TabIndex value would have made no sense. First of all the content panel has IsTabStop to false and, second, any control inside it would have int.MaxValue set as TabIndex which would work globally in the main control.

This example should make it clear how to use the KeyboardNavigation properties. There is one more, called ControlTabNavigation, which has a misleading name and an ambiguous description. It is not related to a control, the Control in the name comes from the Ctrl key. In WPF one can use Ctrl-Tab to navigate an alternative order thus allowing, in this case, to go directly to the menu, then the button and then the controls in the content area.

I was trying to use a static class of attached properties that I would use inside my WPF control templates, so that every time I need to change them I would only use a setter, not copy paste the entire template and make minute changes. It worked great and I recommend this solution to everybody. So after the refactoring of my control I was shocked to see that in the production application, all my attached properties were throwing binding errors!

The solution was to explicitly use the Path= syntax in the bindings.

{Binding Path=(namespace:ClassName.Property)...
{Binding (namespace:ClassName.Property)...

The strange thing is that in the test application everything worked great, so what went different? Apparently the problem is that IXamlTypeResolver (used in PropertyPath) is not finding namespaces unless already registered, as explained here by Rob Relyea. The dude with that Lovecraftian name is the program manager for the WPF & Xaml Language Team.

So if one uses the namespace of the attached property before in some other context or by using the verbose syntax before, it works even with the Path keyword omitted. Not really sure why the verbose syntax works differently though.

Many a time I want that textblocks that get trimmed to display their text as a tooltip. For that, I would make a trigger to set the Tooltip value to the Text value if the textblock has been trimmed. The problem is that there is no property that shows if this is the case.

Googling a bit, I found this article, which apparently works, but also has some problems, as reported by many commenters. Even if it would have worked perfectly, my scenario is too simple to need all that code.

The idea of the original post is simple and I like it, the problem being that convoluted method that computes the width of the text in the textblock. Why would I want to redo all the work that is being done by the framework itself? The width of a textblock with TextWrapping NoWrap should be textBlock.Measure(Size(double.MaxValue,double.MaxValue)). I am sure a more complex scenario can also be serviced by this method, if the height is taken from the TextBlock, but I don't need it.

So here is the entire class, using my measuring method:
public class TextBlockService
static TextBlockService()
// Register for the SizeChanged event on all TextBlocks, even if the event was handled.
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof (TextBlock),
new SizeChangedEventHandler(OnTextBlockSizeChanged),true);

public static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsTextTrimmedKey =
typeof (bool),
typeof (TextBlockService),
new PropertyMetadata(false)

public static readonly DependencyProperty IsTextTrimmedProperty =

[AttachedPropertyBrowsableForType(typeof (TextBlock))]
public static Boolean GetIsTextTrimmed(TextBlock target)
return (Boolean) target.GetValue(IsTextTrimmedProperty);

public static void OnTextBlockSizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
TextBlock textBlock = sender as TextBlock;
if (null == textBlock)
textBlock.SetValue(IsTextTrimmedKey, calculateIsTextTrimmed(textBlock));

private static bool calculateIsTextTrimmed(TextBlock textBlock)
double width = textBlock.ActualWidth;
if (textBlock.TextTrimming == TextTrimming.None)
return false;
if (textBlock.TextWrapping != TextWrapping.NoWrap)
return false;
textBlock.Measure(new Size(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue));
double totalWidth = textBlock.DesiredSize.Width;
return width < totalWidth;

This would be used with a trigger, as I said at the beginning of the post:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
<Setter Property="TextTrimming" Value="CharacterEllipsis"/>
<Trigger Property="Controls:TextBlockService.IsTextTrimmed" Value="True">
<Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="{Binding Text,RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"/>

If you search the net for a skinnable application, you get a lot of answers and pages that seem to hit the spot right on. If you are looking for a skinnable control library, though, the hit count drops considerably. This post is about my adventures with resource keys and the solution for a problem that has plagued me for more than a day of work, plus some weird behaviour that I have as yet no explanation for.

The article is pretty long, so here is the short and dirty version:
  • Do not use Colors as dynamic resources, use Brushes
  • If you want to use resources from a theme dictionary outside the assembly, you must give them keys of the type ComponentResourceKey
  • The type you use in the constructor of the ComponentResourceKey class or in the markup extension of the same name must be in the same assembly where the resource is!

The scenario is as follows:
  • there is an application that needs to change some of its visual characteristics dynamically during run time
  • the application uses a custom control library
  • other applications/modules should use the same themeing mechanism
  • other applications will use the same control library

The solution seemed simple enough:
  • create a static class to hold the string keys for the resources I want to define dynamically
  • create a shared resources dictionary in the controls theme, using those keys
  • use the shared dictionary in the controls theme
  • create another shared resources dictionary in the applications, or use only the ones already defined in the control library
  • use the application shared dictionaries in the application styles
  • programatically add/remove resources directly in Application.Current.Resources to override the already defined resources

I have tested this solution in a not very thorough manner and found it working. Of course, some of the problems needed solving.

The first issue is that theme level resources are not found from outside the assembly unless defined using a ComponentResourceKey as the key of the resources. This special class receives two parameters in the constructor: a type and an object that is a "regular" resource key. So instead of using a string, as one would probably use in an application style, you use a component resource key that receives a type and that string. A small test confirmed that a resource is not found at the application level using FindResource if only defined with a string as key and that it is found if using a ComponentResourceKey.

The second issue was that in order for a resource to be dynamically changed at runtime it needed to be defined as a DynamicResource, not a StaticResource which is only resolved at compile time. Not a huge problem. However, if one has defined some brushes in the control library and then referenced them in all the styles, then it would also work to redefine those brushes to use colors dynamically, and then all one has to do is change the colors. That would also prove advantageous if one needs a variety of brushes using the same colors, like gradients or some lighter version of the same color.

This leads to Problem number 1: Dynamically changing Color resources worked for foreground brushes, for background brushes, but not for border brushes! So you have a textbox and you define Background, Foreground and BorderBrush properties using StaticResource on brushes that themselves define their Color as a DynamicResource. You change the colors (adding new resources at the application level of the type Color) and you see the Background and Foreground changing, but the border staying unchanged.

I have no idea why that happened. Some information that I got researching this problem was related to Shared resources, but changing the shared status of brushes or even colors to true or false did not change anything. Another idea was that his was related to their Frozen status but, as there was no difference between the Foreground and BorderBrush brushes (I even used the same brush at the same time on both properties), I've decided that it wasn't the case.

BorderBrush is a dependency property belonging to the Border element, while Foreground and Background belong to the TextElement and Panel elements, respectively, and other elements add themselves as owners to them. In the case of the Border element that I have tested this weird behaviour on, BorderBrush is its own dependency property, while Background is the Panel.BackgroundProperty. I also thought that it may have something to do with FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRender, but both properties are registered with this flag.

After some searching, I found that the Border element caches internally Pen objects that are used to render the different border sides. They use the same brush as the border, though, and so, even if this is the best candidate for the cause of the problem, I still don't know what the hell was going on.

The solution for this problem was (to my chagrin) to use the brushes themselves as dynamic resources. Well, it was a setback, seeing how the resources I want to change are colors and now I am forced to create brushes and, thus, stain this process with the responsibility of knowing what kind of brushes are needed for my controls and applications, but I could live with it. After all, that was all WPF stuff, so I could separate it at least from the static class holding the keys of the characteristics I wanted to change dynamically.

Problem number 2: using as a key in XAML a class with a long name which uses a constructor that receives a type and a static constant/property of a class is ugly and unwieldy. The solution for this problem was to create another static class that would hold the keys for the brushes. Each brush would have a property in the class that returns a ComponentResourceKey object that uses the classes own type as the first parameter and the constant string key from the static string key class.

That effectively changes stuff looking like {DynamicResource {ComponentResourceKey TypeInTargetAssembly={x:Type UI:ResourceScheme},{x:Static UI:ResourceScheme.ControlBackgroundKey}}} to {DynamicResource {x:Static WPF:ThemeResources.ControlBackgroundBrushKey}}. Still a mouthful, but manageable.

Problem number 3 (the big one): it doesn't work! The brushes I so carefully created in the theme are not getting set in the controls, not the mention the application. What confounded the issue even more is that if I changed DynamicResource to StaticResource in the control templates I would see the brushes rendered correctly. I wouldn't be able to change them dynamically afterwards, but how come StaticResource works and DynamicResource doesn't!? Stranger still, adding/removing resources with the same key in the application resources dictionary (the mechanism that was supposed to dynamically change the aspect of the application) worked! Everything was working perfectly, and only the default brushes defined in the theme were not loaded!

The solution for this was (after hours of trial, error, googling, suicidal thoughts and starting all over again) to use a type from the control library in the ResourceComponentKey constructor! You see, I had placed both static key classes in a separate assembly from the control library. Moving the WPF related resource key class in the control library fixed everything!

Now, you may be wondering why that worked, and so do I. As I see it, if you define a template and a brush in a theme and the template is loaded and applied, then the brush should also be loaded. If FindResource did not find the brush, then it must be that either the brush was not loaded due to some internal requirements of the ResourceComponentKey class or that it was loaded and then the key I was using was different from the one I was using when asking for it or, as Akash Kava tried to explain to me on StackOverflow, it will only find in the resource dictionaries of its own logical parental tree.

I have dismissed the second option, as the ComponentResourceKey has an Equals override that simply compares type and key. There cannot be two instances of the same type and the key is a string constant, so there should be no ambiguity on whether two resource keys are equal.

What remains are that either the ComponentResourceKey class messes things up or that the resources using resource keys are placed in "logical trees" based on the target type of the ComponentResourceKey. I have looked for the usages of the ComponentResourceKey class and all I could find was something in a BaseHashHelper that seemed related to ItemsControl or CollectionView, so I don't think that's it. I also looked at the implementation of FindResource, but found nothing that I could understand to cause this.

As a funny side note, as I was going about this task I was trying to get inspiration from the way the SystemColors class worked. The resource keys related to colors that were returned were not of the type ComponentResourceKey, but of SystemResourceKey, both inheriting from ResourceKey nonetheless. I have noticed no significant piece of code in the (of course internal) SystemResourceKey class, however I did find code in FindResource that checked if the key is of type SystemResourceKey and did something with it. Nice, Microsoft! However, that was not the cause of the problem either.

After knowing what to look for, I did find on the Microsoft article about the ComponentResourceKey markup extension that The TypeInTargetAssembly identifies a type that exists in the target assembly where the resource is actually defined. In the article about the ComponentResourceKey class, they say If you want an easily accessible key, you can define a static property on your control class code that returns a ComponentResourceKey, constructed with a TypeInTargetAssembly that exists in the external resource assembly, and a ResourceId. Too bad they hid this information in the Remarks section and not in the definition of the Type parameter.

Congratulations if you have read so far! You must be really passionate about programming or desperate like me to find an answer to these questions. I hope this article has enlightened you and, if not, that you will find the answers and then get back to me :)

I've hit this issue a few times, always forgetting the solution afterwards. It also is a problem that doesn't feel like it should be there. It regards using User Controls in WPF, those with attached XAML files, and wanting to add some triggers that affect some of the elements declared in the XAML.

The problem is that if you want to add a trigger in the UserControl.Triggers collection you get a run-time error telling you only EventTriggers are available in that section. If you try an ugly use of the style triggers collection liks this: UserControl.Style -> Style -> Style.Triggers, you get a compilation error saying you can't use TargetName in a Style setter.

There are two solutions, one uglier than the other. One is to use a multi binding to add all the things that affect a property in a setter. Of course, you need a converter class for each one. Yuck! The other solution is to add a setter in the style of the element you want to change, therefore eliminating the need for the TargetName attribute. This is what I use when a trigger is badly needed. I know, fugly.

Update: I have tried to create an attached property that would act like a control trigger collection that would accept any type of trigger. While that was not a problem, I got stuck at the point where every property and value had to be fully qualified, making the style with trigger option look more attractive than this. It appears that the XAML reader itself handles triggers differently and the way it qualifies property names is hardcoded somehow. If anyone gets a handle on how to solve this get a free beer from me :)