A little gem I stumbled upon today that I didn't know about: https://placeholder.com/. You use it really simple like https://via.placeholder.com/300x150?text=Placeholder, but there is also a shorter URL that looks like this: https://placehold.it/1280x800/8020A0/FFFFFF?text=Siderite's blog.

  The simplest syntax is https://placehold.it/300 (a 300x300 image that displays "Placeholder" and "Powered by HTML.COM").

So the placeholder.com service has disappeared, but I found another that seems to do the same thing. It's called Placehold.com

Here is an example of one that specifies size, color, image type, text and font: https://placehold.co/640x400/lightblue/darkviolet/jpg?text=Siderite's Blog&font=Playfair Display


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