Software patterns are useless
A couple a weeks ago I went for a job interview in order to see what is out there. It was a terrible phone interview and I failed to make a connection with the technical interviewers. I think I was just as disappointed in them as they were with me. However, what I believe killed it for them was an experiment I decided to conduct: to the usual question about software patterns I answered boldly that I didn't believe in software patterns and that I believed management techniques were what drove productivity and quality of work, not particular software commonalities. It was partly true, though, I do believe that, and this post is about my thoughts on the matter. Now, be warned: I may offend a few people that religiously pray in UML at Martin Fowler's shrine in the church of the Gang of Four.
Let's start with a brief history of software patterns. It started with inspiration from a building architecture book that explained that for similar problems there are similar solutions in architecture and that listing them would be a boon for the would be architect. Someone applied this to software in the form of common practices to solve common problems. The idea was that, outside the main goal of cataloguing best practices, these software patterns would provide a sort of common language for software architects.
The problem is, of course, practice. The good part of a software pattern is that it provides a tested solution to a common problem. The bad part of a software pattern is that there are not that many common problems and most of the time software patterns are applied badly in practice. Invariably, at some point, the application of a software pattern leads to the Golden Hammer "antipattern". If the software pattern is well thought to apply to as many of the situations where a certain problem is met, then it is defined by a lot of flexibility. That may sound good, but a flexible architecture is usually low performing, overly complex or simply hard to understand in order to use them in very specific circumstances. That is why for most requirements there isn't one software library, but many, each attempting to juggle the right amount of performance, complexity and ease of use. And, of course, if a pattern is not well thought, why use it at all?
I guess the point I am trying to make is that current software patterns try to catalogue small issues, things that are, really, of little consequence, and that other things are way more important to behold, like long term vision. What is the point of using Inversion of Control if you don't plan to ever make components modular? Why would you create an MVC application if the code monkeys that you have hired will riddle the view with business logic? In fact, why would you make any effort of standardizing your application if you don't plan anything? And that is the basis of my contention: planning an application is the bottleneck. I would go for Software Planning Patterns way before I even consider mid level software patterns. The planning is where the need of the technician does battle with the need of the business owner. One strategy might be perfect when chosen only to become obsolete during implementation, I agree, but then you have an initial strategy, a current strategy and the techs must find the way to transition from one to another. Planning is where all the interested parties come together and need to reach a decision; the technical implementation, let's face it, must just work and then, hopefully, be reasonably maintainable.
And I dare say that in building architecture the long term plan for the building is already there. It must be, as it will last for decades. You don't start a skyscraper only to change your mind in the middle of the work and go for a stadium. You know the purpose of the building, you know how you will use it, you know the needs it has to cover, and all that is left is to determine the technical way to achieve this plan. Software is way more elastic than this and I believe this is why the concept of pattern does not easily transfer from the domain of construction to the one of software development. In a way, forcing these patterns on the software world is in itself like using a Golden Hammer: they don't fit exactly. Moreover, the word of the day in software is Agile, the management technique that assumes right from the word go that there will be change in the plans for the project and that the team must be ready for it. I submit that the current state of software patterns is too rigid, too inflexible, based on the assumption that there is a plan and that it will not change. Or worse, based on the assumption that there is no plan and that anything must be enabled by the software architecture. They either force you to lose flexibility or add so much of it that it makes the end product bloated and unproductive.
The answer is somewhere in the middle and that middle is different from project to project. No matter how well software patterns are designed and applied, in the end they must conform (or end up hindering) the strategic plans for the software project, which are, in my view, the true bottleneck of software development. As a domain specific language between software architects, software patterns are good, but one has to acknowledge the extreme minority of architects in software. Even in that small guild I don't find there are a lot of discussions where the lingo of software patterns is used much. The complex patterns are invalidated by the many "flavours" that unavoidably appear to handle that complexity, while the simple patterns are invalidated by components that encapsulate them and relieve the developer from having to implement them. My conclusion is that the importance of software patterns is being exaggerated. Little more than a miniatlas of common software practices, it serves as a pretty picture book, rather than an instrument that promotes understanding the field of software development.
Let's start with a brief history of software patterns. It started with inspiration from a building architecture book that explained that for similar problems there are similar solutions in architecture and that listing them would be a boon for the would be architect. Someone applied this to software in the form of common practices to solve common problems. The idea was that, outside the main goal of cataloguing best practices, these software patterns would provide a sort of common language for software architects.

I guess the point I am trying to make is that current software patterns try to catalogue small issues, things that are, really, of little consequence, and that other things are way more important to behold, like long term vision. What is the point of using Inversion of Control if you don't plan to ever make components modular? Why would you create an MVC application if the code monkeys that you have hired will riddle the view with business logic? In fact, why would you make any effort of standardizing your application if you don't plan anything? And that is the basis of my contention: planning an application is the bottleneck. I would go for Software Planning Patterns way before I even consider mid level software patterns. The planning is where the need of the technician does battle with the need of the business owner. One strategy might be perfect when chosen only to become obsolete during implementation, I agree, but then you have an initial strategy, a current strategy and the techs must find the way to transition from one to another. Planning is where all the interested parties come together and need to reach a decision; the technical implementation, let's face it, must just work and then, hopefully, be reasonably maintainable.
And I dare say that in building architecture the long term plan for the building is already there. It must be, as it will last for decades. You don't start a skyscraper only to change your mind in the middle of the work and go for a stadium. You know the purpose of the building, you know how you will use it, you know the needs it has to cover, and all that is left is to determine the technical way to achieve this plan. Software is way more elastic than this and I believe this is why the concept of pattern does not easily transfer from the domain of construction to the one of software development. In a way, forcing these patterns on the software world is in itself like using a Golden Hammer: they don't fit exactly. Moreover, the word of the day in software is Agile, the management technique that assumes right from the word go that there will be change in the plans for the project and that the team must be ready for it. I submit that the current state of software patterns is too rigid, too inflexible, based on the assumption that there is a plan and that it will not change. Or worse, based on the assumption that there is no plan and that anything must be enabled by the software architecture. They either force you to lose flexibility or add so much of it that it makes the end product bloated and unproductive.
The answer is somewhere in the middle and that middle is different from project to project. No matter how well software patterns are designed and applied, in the end they must conform (or end up hindering) the strategic plans for the software project, which are, in my view, the true bottleneck of software development. As a domain specific language between software architects, software patterns are good, but one has to acknowledge the extreme minority of architects in software. Even in that small guild I don't find there are a lot of discussions where the lingo of software patterns is used much. The complex patterns are invalidated by the many "flavours" that unavoidably appear to handle that complexity, while the simple patterns are invalidated by components that encapsulate them and relieve the developer from having to implement them. My conclusion is that the importance of software patterns is being exaggerated. Little more than a miniatlas of common software practices, it serves as a pretty picture book, rather than an instrument that promotes understanding the field of software development.
Interesting perspective. Good food for thought.
Efrain (Frank) Velazquez