I haven't been working on the Sift string distance algorithm for a while, but then I was reminded of it because someone wanted it to use it to suggest corrections to user input. Something like Google's: "Did you mean...?" or like an autocomplete application. And it got me thinking of ways to use Sift for bulk searching. I am still thinking about it, but in the meanwhile, this can be achieved using the Sift4 algorithm, with up to 40% improvement in speed to the naïve comparison with each item in the list.

  Testing this solution, I've realized that the maxDistance parameter did not work correctly. I apologize. The code is now fixed on the algorithm's blog post, so go and get it.

  So what is this solution for mass search? We can use two pieces of knowledge about the problem space:

  • the minimum possible distance between two string of length l1 and l2 will always abs(l1-l2)
    • it's very easy to understand the intuition behind it: one cannot generate a string of size 5 from a string of size 3 without at least adding two new letters, so the minimum distance would be 2
  • as we advance through the list of strings, we have a best distance value that we keep updating
    • this molds very well on the maxDistance option of Sift4

  Thus armed, we can find the best matches for our string from a list using the following steps:

  1. set a bestDistance variable to a very large value
  2. set a matches variable to an empty list
  3. for each of the strings in the list:
    1. compare the minimum distance between the search string and the string in the list (abs(l1-l2)) to bestDistance
      1. if the minimum distance is larger than bestDistance, ignore the string and move to the next
    2. use Sift4 to get the distance between the search string and the string in the list, using bestDistance as the maxDistance parameter
      1. if the algorithm reaches a temporary distance that is larger than bestDistance, it will break early and report the temporary distance, which we will ignore
    3. if distance<bestDistance, then clear the matches list and add the string to it, updating bestDistance to distance
    4. if distance=bestDistance, then add the string to the list of matches

  When using the common Sift4 version, which doesn't compute transpositions, the list of matches is retrieved 40% faster on average than simply searching through the list of strings and updating the distance. (about 15% faster with transpositions) Considering that Sift4 is already a lot faster than Levenshtein, this method will allow searching through hundreds of thousands of strings really fast. The gained time can be used to further refine the matches list using a slower, but more precise algorithm, like Levenshtein, only on a lot smaller set of possible matches.

  Here is a sample written in JavaScript, where we search a random string in the list of English words:

search = getRandomString(); // this is the search string
let matches=[];             // the list of found matches
let bestDistance=1000000;   // the smaller distance to our search found so far
const maxOffset=5;          // a common value for searching similar strings
const l = search.length;    // the length of the search string
for (let word of english) {
    const minDist=Math.abs(l-word.length); // minimum possible distance
    if (minDist>bestDistance) continue;    // if too large, just exit
    const dist=sift4(search,word,maxOffset,bestDistance);
    if (dist<bestDistance) {
        matches = [word];                  // new array with a single item
        if (bestDistance==0) break;        // if an exact match, we can exit (optional)
    } else if (dist==bestDistance) {
        matches.push(word);                // add the match to the list

  There are further optimizations that can be added, beyond the scope of this post:

  • words can be grouped by length and the minimum distance check can be done on entire buckets of strings of the same lengths
  • words can be sorted, and when a string is rejected as a match, reject all string with the same prefix
    • this requires an update of the Sift algorithm to return the offset at which it stopped (to which the maxOffset must be added)

  I am still thinking of performance improvements. The transposition table gives more control over the precision of the search, but it's rather inefficient and resource consuming, not to mention adding code complexity, making the algorithm harder to read. If I can't find a way to simplify and improve the speed of using transpositions I might give up entirely on the concept. Also, some sort of data structure could be created - regardless of how much time and space is required, assuming that the list of strings to search is large and constant and the number of searches will be very big.

  Let me know what you think in the comments!

  Today I had a very interesting discussion with a colleague who optimized my work in Microsoft's SQL Server by replacing a table variable with a temporary table. Which is annoying, since I've done the opposite plenty of time, thinking that I am choosing the best solution. After all, temporary tables have the overhead of being stored into tempdb, on the disk. What could possibly be wrong with using a table variables? I believe this table explains it all:

First of all, the storage is the same. How? Well, table variables start off in memory, but if they go above a limit they get saved to tempdb! Another interesting bit is the indexes. While you can create primary keys on table variables, you can't use other indexes - that's OK, though, because you would hardly need very complex variable tables. But then there is the parallelism: none for table variables! As you will see, that's rather important. At least table variables don't cause recompilations. And last, but certainly not least, perhaps the most important difference: statistics! You don't have statistics on table variables.

Let's consider my scenario: I was executing a stored procedure and storing the selected values in a table variable. This SP had the single reason to filter the ids of records that I would then have to extract - joining them with a lot of other tables - and could return 200, 800 or several hundred thousand rows.

With a table variable this means :

  1. when inserting potentially hundreds of thousands of rows I would have no parallelism (slow!) and it would probably save it to tempdb anyway (slow!)
  2. when joining other tables with it, not having statistics, it would just treat it like a short list of values, which it potentially wasn't, and looping through it : Table Spool (slow!)
  3. various profiling tools would show the same or even less physical reads and the same SQL server execution time, but the CPU time would be larger than execution time (hidden slow!)

This situation has been improved considerably in SQL Server 2019, to the point that in most cases table variables and temporary tables show the same performance, but versions previous to that would show this to a larger degree.

And then there are hacks. For my example, there is reason why parallelism DOES occur:

So are temporary tables always better? No. There are several advantages of table variables:

  1. they get cleared automatically at the end of their scope
  2. result in fewer recompilations of stored procedures
  3. less locking and resources, since they don't have transaction logs

For many simple situations, like where you want to generate some small quantity of data and then work with that, table variables are best. However, as soon as the data size or scenario complexity increases, temporary tables become better.

As always, don't believe me, test! In SQL everything "depends", you can't rely on fixed rules like "X is always better" so profile your particular scenarios and see which solution is better.

Hope it helps!

  I had this situation where I was trying to optimize a query. And after some investigation I've stumbled upon something strange: querying on the primary key was generating a lot of reads. I was joining my table with a temporary table of 10 ids and there were 630 reads! How come?

  At first I thought it was because the way indexes work. The primary key was comprised of RowId and RowDate and, even if I knew theoretically searching by RowId should use the primary key, the evidence was against me: when querying by RowId and RowDate I would get the expected 10 reads.

  I created two queries, one with and one without RowDate. I then compared their execution plans. They were identical! Only one took a lot longer, specifically in the Index Seek (which used correctly the primary key). When I looked at the properties for that plan element, I saw something strange:

Actual Partitions Accessed 1..63!

I then realized that the table was partitioned on the RowDate column. In this case, RowDate takes precedence to any indexed column! You might think of partitioning a table like forcefully adding the partition columns to every index in the table, including the primary key. In fact, a partitioned table acts like a number of separate tables with the same definition (columns, indexes, etc.), just different data. The indexes work on each separate partition. When you partition a table, you also partition its indexes.

In truth, I would have expected the query execution plan to show the partition split as a separate step. I understand it's hard to conceptualize it without creating as many execution paths as there are partitions, but still, there should be an indication in the shape of the plan that makes it clear you are querying on multiple partitions.

Once RowDate was used, the SQL engine would choose the one partition of my row, then use the primary key index to seek it. Instead of 63*10 reads, just 10 reads, the number of the rows in the id table.

So be careful when you use table partitioning to ALWAYS use the partition columns in the queries for the table, else you will get as many parallel searches as there are partitions, regardless of the indexes you created, as they are also partitioned.

Hope that helps!

  This is a very basic tutorial on how to access Microsoft SQL Server data via SQL queries. Since these are generic concepts, they will be applicable in most other SQL variants out there. My hope is that it will provide the necessary tools to quickly "get into it" without having to read (or understand) too much. Where you go from there is on you.

  There are a lot of basic concepts about SQL, this post will be pretty long.

Table of contents

Connecting to a database

  Let's start with tooling. To access a database you will need SQL Server Management Studio, in my case version 2022, but I will not do anything complicated with it here, therefore any version will do just fine. I will assume you have it installed already as installation is beyond the scope of the blog post. Starting it will prompt for a connection:

  To connect to the local computer, the server will be either . or (local) or the computer name. You can of course connect to any server and you can specify the "instance" and the port number as well. An instance is a specific named installation of SQL server which allows one to have multiple installations (and even versions) of SQL Server. In fact, each instance has its own port, so specifying the port number will ignore the name of the instance. The default port is usually 1433.

  Example of connection server strings: Computer1\SQLEXPRESS, sql.corporate.com,1433, (local), .

  The image here is from a connection to the local machine using Windows Authentication (your windows user). You can connect using SQL Server Authentication, which means providing a username and a password, or using one of the more modern Azure Active Directory methods.

  I will also assume that the connection parameters are known to you, so let's go to the next step.

  Once connected, the Object Explorer window will display the connection you've opened.

  Expanding the Databases node will show the available databases.

  Expanding a database node we get the objects that are part of the database, the most important being:

  • Tables - where the actual data resides
  • Views - abstractions over more complex queries that behave like tables as much as possible, but with some restrictions
  • Stored Procedures - SQL code that can be executed with parameters and may return data results
  • Functions - SQL code that can be executed and returns a value (which can be scalar, like a number of string, or a table type, etc.) 

  In essence they are the equivalent of data stores and code that is executed to use those stores. Views, SPs and functions will not be explained in this post, but feel free to read about them afterwards.

  If one expands a table node, the child nodes will contains various things, the most important of which are:

  • Columns - the names and types of each column in the table
  • Indexes - data structures designed to increase performance to various ways of accessing the data in the table
  • Constraints and Keys - logical restrictions and relationships between tables

  Tables are kind of like Excel sheets, they have rows (data records) and columns (record properties). The power of SQL is a way to declare what you want from tabular representations of data and get the results quickly and efficiently.

  Last thing I want to show from the graphical interface is right clicking on a table node, which shows multiple options, including generating simple operations on the table, the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations mostly, which in SQL are called INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE respectively.

  The keywords are traditionally written in all caps, I am not shouting at you. Depending on your preferences and of course the coding standards that apply to your project you can capitalize SQL code however you like. SQL is case insensitive.

Anyway, whatever you are going to choose to "script" it's going to open a so called query window and show you a text with the query. You then have the option of executing it. Normally no one uses the UI to generate scripts except for getting the column names in order for SELECT or INSERT operations. Most of the time you will just right click on a database and choose New Query or select a database and press Ctrl-N, with the same result.

Getting data from tables

Finally we get to doing something. The operation to read data from SQL is called SELECT. One can specify the columns to be returned or just use * to get them all. It is good practice to always specify the column names in production code, even if you intend to select all columns, as the output of the query will not change if we add more columns in the future. However, we will not be discussing software projects, just how to get or change the data using SQL server, so let's get to it.

The simplest select query is: SELECT * FROM MyTable, which will return all columns of all records of the table. Note that MyTable is the name of a table and the least specific way of accessing that table. The same query can be written as: SELECT * FROM [MyDatabase].[dbo].[MyTable], specifying the database name, the schema name (default one is dbo, but your database can use multiple ones) and only then the table name.

The square bracket syntax is usually not required, but might be needed in special cases, like when a column has the same name as a keyword or if an object has spaces or commas in it (never a good idea, but a distinct possibility), for example: SELECT [Stupid,column] FROM [Stupid table name with spaces]. Here we are selecting a badly named column from a badly named table. Removing the square brackets would result in a syntax error.

In the example above we selected stuff from table CasesSince100 and we got tabular results for every record and the columns defined in the table. But that is not really useful. What we want to do when getting data is:

  • getting data from specific columns
  • formatting the data for our purposes
  • filtering the data on conditions
  • grouping the data
  • ordering the results

So here is a more complex query:

-- everything after two dashes in a line is a comment, ignored by the engine
/* there is also
   a multiline comment syntax */
SELECT TOP 10                            -- just the first 10 records
    c.Entity as Country,                 -- Entity will be returned with the name Country
    CAST(c.[Date] as Date) as [Date],    -- Unfortunate naming, as Date is also a type
    c.cases as Cases                     -- capitalized alias
FROM CasesSince100 c                     -- source for the data, aliased as 'c'
WHERE c.Code='ROU'                       -- conditions to filter by
    AND c.[Date]>'2020-03-01'
ORDER BY c.[Date] DESC                   -- ordering in descending order

  The query above will return at most 10 rows, only for Romania, for dates larger than March 2020, but ordered from the newest to oldest. Data returned will be the country name, the date (which was originally a DATETIME and now is cast to a timeless DATE type) and the number of cases.

  Note that I have aliased all columns, so the resulting table has columns named as the aliases. I've also aliased the table name as 'c', which helps in several ways. First of all, Intellisense works better and faster when specifying the table name. All you have to do is type c. and the list of columns will pop up and be filtered as you type. The second reason will become apparent when I am talking about updating and deleting. For the moment just remember that it's a good idea to alias your tables.

  You can alias a table by specifying a name to call it by next to its own name and optionally using 'as', like SELECT ltn.* FROM Schema.LongTableName as ltn. It helps differentiating between ambiguous names (like if two joined tables have columns with the same name), simplifying the code for long named tables and helping with code completion. Even when aliased, the table name can be used and one can specify or ignore the name of the table if the column names are unambiguous.

Of course these are trivial examples. The power of SQL is that you can get information from multiple sources, aggregate them and structure your database for quick access. More advanced concepts are JOINs and indexes, and I hope you will read until I get there, but for now let's just go through the very basics.

Here is another query that groups and aggregates data:

SELECT TOP 10                            -- top 10 results
    c.Entity as Country,                 -- country name
    SUM(CAST(c.cases as INT)) as Cases   -- cases is text, so we transform it to int
FROM CasesSince100 c
WHERE YEAR([Date])=2020                  -- condition applies a function to the date
GROUP BY c.Entity                        -- groups by country
HAVING SUM(CAST(c.cases as INT))<1000000 -- this is filtering on grouped values
ORDER BY SUM(CAST(c.cases as INT)) DESC  -- order on sum of cases

This query will show us the top 10 countries and the total sum of cases in year 2020, but only for countries where that total is less than a million. There is a lot to unpack here:

  • cases column is declared as NVARCHAR(150) meaning Unicode strings of varied length, but at most 150 characters, so we need to cast it to INT (integer) to be able to apply summing to it
  • there are two different ways of filtering: WHERE, which applies to the data before grouping, then HAVING, which applies to data after grouping
  • filtering, grouping, ordering all work with unaliased columns, so even if Entity is returned as Country, I cannot do WHERE Country='Romania'
  • grouping allows to get a row for each combination of the columns the grouping is done and compute some sort of aggregation (in the case above, a sum of cases per country)

Here are the results:

Let me rewrite this in a way that is more readable using what is called a subquery, in other words a query from which I will query once again:

	SUM(Cases) as Cases
        c.Entity as Country,
        CAST(c.cases as INT) as Cases,
	    YEAR([Date]) as [Year]
FROM CasesSince100 c
) x
WHERE [Year]=2020
GROUP BY Country
HAVING SUM(Cases)<1000000

Note that I still have to use SUM(Cases) in the HAVING clause. I could have grouped it in another subquery and selected again and so on. In order to select from a subquery, you need to name it (in our case, we named it x). Also I selected Country from x, which I could have also written as x.Country. As I said before, table names (aliased or not) are optional if the column name if unambiguous. Also you may notice that I've given a name to the summed column. I could have skipped that, but that would mean the resulting columns would have had no name and the query itself would have been difficult to use in code (extracted column values would have had to be retrieved by index and not by name, which is never recommended).

If you think about it, the order of the clauses in a SELECT operation has a major flaw: you are supposed to write SELECT, then specify what columns you want and only then specify where you want the columns to be read from. This makes code completion problematic, which is why the in code query language for .NET (LInQ) puts the selection at the end. But even so there is a trick:

  • SELECT * and then complete the query
  • go back and replace the * with the column names you want to extract (you will now have Intellisense code completion)
  • the alias of the tables will now come in handy, but even without aliases one can press Ctrl-Space and get a list of possible values to select

Defining tables and inserting data

Before we start inserting information, let's create a table:

    FoodName NVARCHAR(100),
    Quantity INT

One important concept in SQL is the primary key. It is a good idea in most cases that your tables have a primary key which identifies each record uniquely and also makes them easy to reference. Let me give you an example. Let's assume that we would put no Id column in our Food table and then we would accidentally add cheese twice. How would you reference the first record as opposed to the second? How would you delete the second one?

A primary key is actually just a special case of a unique index, clustered by default. We will get to indexes later, so don't worry about that yet. Enough to remember that it is fastest (most efficient) to find records by the primary key than any other column combination and the way records are uniquely identified. 

The IDENTITY(1,1) notation tells SQL Server that we will not insert values in that column and instead let it put values starting with 1, then increasing with 1 each time. That functionality will become clear when we INSERT data in the table:

INSERT INTO Food(FoodName,Quantity)

Selecting from our Food table now gets us these results:

As you can see, we've inserted four records, by only specifying two out of three columns - we skipped Id. Yet SQL has filled the column with values from 1 to 4, starting with 1 and incrementing each time with 1.

The VALUES syntax is specifying inline data, but we could, in fact, insert into a table the results of a query, something like this:

INSERT INTO Food(FoodName,Quantity)
SELECT [Name],Quantity
FROM Store
WHERE [Type]='Food'

There is another syntax for insert that is useful with what are called temporary tables, tables created for the purpose of your session (lifetime of the query window) and that will automatically disappear once the session is over. It looks like this:

SELECT FoodName,Quantity
INTO #temp

This will create a table (temporary because of the # sign in front of it) that will have just FoodName and Quantity as columns, then proceed on saving the data there. This table will not have a primary key nor any types of indexes and it will work as a simple dump of the data selected. You can add indexes later or alter the table in any way you want, it works just like a regular table. While a convenient syntax (you don't have to write a CREATE TABLE query or think of the type of columns) it has a limited usefulness and I recommend not using it in application code.

Just as one creates a table, there are DROP TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements that delete or change the structure of the table, but we won't go into that.

Changing existing data

So now we have some data in a table that we have defined. We will see how the alias syntax I discussed in the SELECT section will come in handy. In short, I propose you use just two basic syntax forms for all CRUD operations: one for INSERT and one for SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE.

But how can you use the same syntax for statements that are so different, I hear you ask? Let me give you some example of similar code doing just that before I dive in what each operation does.

FROM Food f
WHERE f.Id=4

SET f.Quantity=9
FROM Food f
WHERE f.Id=4

FROM Food f
WHERE f.Id=4

The last two lines of all operations are exactly the same. These are simple queries, but imagine you have a complex one to craft. The first thing you want to see is that you are updating or deleting the right thing, therefore it makes sense to start with a SELECT query instead, then change it to a DELETE or UPDATE when satisfied. You see I UPDATE and DELETE using the alias I gave the table.

When first learning UPDATE and DELETE statements, one usually gets to this syntax:

UPDATE Food     -- using the table name is cumbersome if in a complex query
SET Quantity=9  -- unless using Food.Quantity and Food.Id
WHERE Id=4      -- you don't get easy Intellisense

DELETE          -- this seems a lot easier to remember
FROM Food       -- but it only works with one table in a simple query

I've outlined some of the reasons I don't use this syntax in the comments, but the most important reason why one shouldn't use them except for very simplistic cases is that you are trying to create a query to destructively change the data in the database and there is no fool proof way to duplicate the same logic in a SELECT query to verify what you are going to change. I've seen people (read that as: I was dumb enough to do it myself) who created an entire different SELECT statement to verify what they would do, then realize to their horror the statements were not equivalent and they had updated or deleted the wrong thing!

OK, let's look at UPDATE and DELETE a little closer.

One of the useful clauses for these statements is, just like with SELECT, the TOP clause, which instructs SQL to affect just a finite number of rows. However, because TOP has been added later for write operations, you need to encase the value (or variable) in parentheses. For SELECT you can skip the parentheses for constant values (you still need them for variables)


Another interesting clause, that frankly I have not used a lot, but is essential in some specific cases, is OUTPUT. One can delete or update some rows and at the same time get the rows they have changed. The reason being that first of all in a DELETE statement the rows will be gone, so you won't be able to SELECT them again. But even in an UPDATE operation, the rows chosen to be updated by a query may not be the same if you execute them again. 

SQL does not guarantee the order of rows unless specifically using ORDER BY. So if you execute SELECT TOP 10 * FROM MyTable twice, you may get two different results. Moreover, between the time you UPDATE some rows and you SELECT them in another query, things may change because of other processes running at the same time on the same data.

So let's say we have some for of Invoices and Items tables that reference each other. You want to delete one invoice and all the items associated with it. There is no way of telling SQL to DELETE from multiple tables at the same time, so you DELETE the invoice, OUTPUT its Id, then delete the items for that Id.

CREATE TABLE #deleted(Id INT) -- temporary table, but explicitly created

OUTPUT Deleted.Id    -- here Deleted is a keyword
INTO #deleted        -- the Id from the deleted rows will be stored here
WHERE Id=2           -- and can be even be restored from there

  SELECT Id FROM #deleted
)  -- a subquery used in a DELETE statement

-- same thing can be written as:
FROM Item i
INNER JOIN #deleted d  -- I will get to JOINs soon
ON i.Id=d.Id

I have been informed that the INTO syntax is confusing and indeed it is:

  • SELECTing INTO will create a new table with results and throw an exception if the table already exists. The table will have the names and types of the selected values, which may be what one wants for a quick data dump, but it may also cause issues. For example the following query would throw an exception:
    SELECT 'Blog' as [Name]
    INTO #temp
    INSERT INTO #temp([Name]) -- String or binary data would be truncated error

    because the Name column of the new temporary table would be VARCHAR(4), just like 'Blog' and 'Siderite' would be too long

  • UPDATEing or DELETEing with OUTPUT INTO will require an existing table with the same number and types of columns as the columns specified in the OUTPUT clause and will throw an exception if it doesn't exist

One can use derived values in UPDATE statements, not just constants. One can reference the columns already existing or use any type of function that would be allowed in a similar SELECT statement. For example, here is a query to get the tax value of each row and the equivalent update to store it into a separate column:

    i.Price*(i.TaxPercent/100) as Tax  -- best practice: SELECT first
FROM Item i

SET Tax = i.Price*(i.TaxPercent/100)   -- UPDATE next
FROM Item i

So here we first do a SELECT, to see if the values we have and calculate are correct and, if satisfied, we UPDATE using the same logic. Always SELECT before you change data, so you know you are changing the right thing.

There is another trick to help you work safely, one that works on small volumes of data, which involves transactions. Transactions are atomic operations (all or nothing) which are defined by starting them with BEGIN TRANSACTION and are finalized with either COMMIT TRANSACTION (save the changes to the database) or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (revert changes to the database). Transactions are an advanced concept also, so read about it yourself, but remember one can do the following:

  • open a new query window
  • do almost anything in the query window
  • if satisfied with the result execute COMMIT TRANSACTION
  • if any issue with what you've done execute ROLLBACK TRANSACTION to undo the changes

Note that this only applies for stuff you do in that query window. Also, all of these operations are being saved in the log of the database, so this works only with small amounts of data. Attempting to do this with large amounts of data will practically duplicate it on disk and take a long time to execute and revert.

The NULL value

We need a quick primer on what NULL is. NULL is a placeholder for a value that was not set or is considered unknown. It's a non-value. It is similar to null in C# or JavaScript, but with some significant differences applicable to SQL only. For example, a NULL value (an oxymoron for sure) will never be equal to (or not equal to) or less than or greater than anything. One might expect to get all the values in a table in these two queries: SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Value>5 and SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Value<=5. But if any rows will have NULL for a Value, then they will not appear in any of the query results. That applies to the negation operator NOT as well: SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE NOT (Value>5).

This behavior can be changed by using SET ANSI_NULLS OFF, but I am yet to see a database that has ever been set up like this.

To check if a value is or is not NULL, one uses the IS and IS NOT syntax :)

FROM MyTable

The NULL concept will be used a lot in the next chapter.

Combining data from multiple sources

We finally go to JOIN operations. In most scenarios, you have a database containing multiple table, with intricate connections between them. Invoices that have items, customers, the employee that processed it, dates, departments, store quantities, etc., all referencing something. Integrating data from multiple tables is a complex subject, but I will touch just the most common and important parts:


Let's write a query that displays the name of employees and their department. I will show the CREATE TABLE statements, too, in order to see where we get the data from:

  EmployeeId INT,          -- Best practice: descriptive column names
  FirstName NVARCHAR(100),
  LastName NVARCHAR(100),
  DepartmentId INT)        -- Best practice: use same name for the same thing

CREATE TABLE Department (
  DepartmentId INT,        -- same thing here
  DepartmentName NVARCHAR(100)

    CONCAT(FirstName,' ',LastName) as Employee,
FROM Employee e
INNER JOIN Department d
ON e.DepartmentId=d.DepartmentId

Here it is: INNER JOIN, a clause that combines the data from two tables based ON a condition or series of conditions. For each row of Employee we are looking for the corresponding row of Department. In this example, one employee belongs to only one department, but a department can hold multiple employees. It's what we call a "one to many relationship". One can have "one to one" or "many to many" relationships as well. That is very important when trying to gauge performance (and number of returned rows).

Our query will only find at most one department for each employee, so for 10 employees we will get at most 10 rows of data. Why do I say "at most"? Because the DepartmentId for some employees might not have a corresponding department row in the Department table. INNER JOIN will not generate records if there is no match. But what if I want to see all employees, regardless if their department exists or not? Then we use an OUTER JOIN:

    CONCAT(FirstName,' ',LastName) as Employee,
FROM Employee e
LEFT OUTER JOIN Department d
ON e.DepartmentId=d.DepartmentId

This will generate results for each Employee and their Department, but show a NULL (without value) result if the department does not exist. In this case LEFT is used to define that there will be rows for each record in the left table (Employee). We could have used RIGHT, in which case we would have rows for each department and NULL values for departments that have no employees. There is also the FULL OUTER JOIN option, in which case we will get both departments with NULL employees if none are attached and employees with NULL departments in case the department does not exist (or the employee is not assigned - DepartmentId is NULL)

Note that the keywords INNER and OUTER are completely optional. JOIN is the same thing as INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN is the same as LEFT OUTER JOIN. I find that specifying them makes the code more readable, but that's a personal choice.

The OUTER JOINs are sometimes used in a non intuitive way to find records that have no match in another table. Here is a query that shows employees that are not assigned to a department:

    CONCAT(FirstName,' ',LastName) as Employee
FROM Employee e
LEFT OUTER JOIN Department d
ON e.DepartmentId=d.DepartmentId
WHERE d.DepartmentId IS NULL

Until now, we talked about the WHERE clause as a filter that is applied first (before grouping) so one might intuitively have assumed that the WHERE clauses are applied immediately on the tables we get the data from. If that were the case, then this query would never return anything, because every Department will have a DepartmentId. Instead, what happens here is the tables are LEFT JOINed, then the WHERE clause applies next. In the case of unassigned employees, the department id or name will be NULL, so that is what we are filtering on.

So what happens above is:

  • the Employee table is LEFT JOINed with the Department table
  • for each employee (left) there will be rows that contain the values of the Employee table rows and the values of any matched Department table rows
  • in the case there is no match, NULL values will be returned for the Department table for all columns
  • when we filter by Department.DepartmentId being NULL we don't mean any Department that doesn't have an Id (which is impossible) but any Employee row with no matching Department row, which will have a NULL value where the Department.DepartmentId value would have been in case of a match.
  • not matching can happen for two reasons: Employee.DepartmentId is NULL (meaning the employee has not been assigned to a department) or the value stored there has no associated Department (the department may have been removed for some reason)

Also, note that if we are joining tables on some condition we have to be extra careful with NULL values. Here is how one would join two tables on VARCHAR columns being equal even when NULL:

FROM Table1 t1
INNER JOIN Table2 t2
ON (t1.Value IS NULL AND t2.Value IS NULL) OR t1.Value=t2.Value

FROM Table1 t1
INNER JOIN Table2 t2
ON ISNULL(t1.Value,'')=ISNULL(t2.Value,'')

The second syntax seems promising, doesn't it? It is more readable for sure. Unfortunately, it introduces some assumptions and also decreases the performance of the query (we will talk about performance later on). The assumption is that if Value is an empty string, then it's the same as having no value (being NULL). One could use something like ISNULL(Value,'--NULL--') but now it starts looking worse.

There are other ways of joining two tables (or queries, or table variables, or table functions, etc.), for example by using the IN or the EXISTS/NOT EXISTS clauses or subqueries. Here are some examples:

FROM Table1
WHERE MyValue IN (SELECT MyValue FROM Table2)

FROM Table1
WHERE MyValue = (SELECT TOP 1 MyValue FROM Table2 WHERE Table1.MyValue=Table2.MyValue)

FROM Table1
WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Table2 WHERE Table1.MyValue=Table2.MyValue)

These are less readable, usually have terrible performance and may not return what you expect them to return.

When I was learning SQL, I thought using a JOIN would be optimal on all cases and subqueries in the WHERE clause were all bad, no exception. That is, in fact, false. There is a specific case where it is better to use a subquery in WHERE instead of JOIN, and that is when trying to find records that have at least one match. It is better to use EXISTS because it is short-circuiting logic which leads to better performance.

Here is an example with different syntax for achieving the same goal:

FROM Department d
INNER JOIN Employee e
ON e.DepartmentId=d.DepartmentId

SELECT d.DepartmentId
FROM Department d
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Employee e WHERE e.DepartmentId=d.DepartmentId)

Here, the search for departments with employees will return the same thing, but in the first situation it will get all employees for all departments, then list the department ids that had employees, while in the second query the department will be returned the moment just one employee that matches is found.

There is another way of combining data from two sources and that is to UNION two or multiple result sets. It is the equivalent of taking rows from multiple sources of the same type and showing them together in the same result set.

Here is a dummy example:

SELECT 1 as Id

And we execute it and...

What happened? Shouldn't there have been three values? Somehow, when copy pasting the silly example, you added two identical values. UNION will add only distinct values to the result set. using UNION ALL will show all three values.

SELECT 1 as Id

  SELECT 1 as Id
) x

The first query will return 1,2,2 and the second will be the equivalent of the UNION one, returning 1 and 2. Note the DISTINCT keyword.

My recommendation is to never use UNION and instead use UNION ALL everywhere, unless it makes some kind of sense for a very specific scenario, because the operation to DISTINCT values is expensive, especially for many and/or large columns. When results are supposed to be different anyway, UNION and UNION ALL will return the same output, but UNION is going to perform one more pointless distinct operation.

After learning about JOIN, my request to start with SELECT queries and only them modify them to be UPDATE or DELETE begins to make more sense. Take a look at this query:

SET ToFindManager=1
FROM Department d
ON d.DepartmentId=e.DepartmentId
AND e.[Role]='Manager'
WHERE e.EmployeeId IS NULL

This will set ToFindManager in departments that have no corresponding manager. But if you select the text from SELECT * on and then execute, you will get the results that you are going to update. Same query, executing by selecting different sections of it will either verify or perform the operation.

Indexes and relationships. Performance.

We have seen how to define tables, how to insert, select, update and delete records from them. We've also seen how to integrate data from multiple sources to get what we want. The SQL engine will take our queries, try to understand what we meant, optimize the execution, then give us the results. However, with large enough data, no amount of query optimization will help if the relationships between tables are not properly defined and tables are not prepared for the kind of queries we will execute.

This requires an introduction to indexes, which is a rather advanced idea, both in terms of how to create, use, debug and profile, but also as a computer science concept. I will try to stick to the basics here, and you go and get more in depth from here.

What is an index? It's a separate data structure that will allow quick access to specific parts of the original data. A table of contents in a blog post is an index. It allows you to quickly jump to the section of the post without having to read it all. There are many types of indexes and they are used in different ways.

We've talked about the primary key: (unless specified differently) it's a CLUSTERED, UNIQUE index. It can be on a single column or a combination of columns. Normally, the primary key will be the preferred way to find or join records on, as it physically rearranges the table records in order and insures only one record has a particular primary key.

The difference between CLUSTERED and NONCLUSTERED indexes is that a table can have only one clustered index, which will determine the physical order of record data on the disk. As an example, let's consider a simple table with a single integer column called X. If there is a clustered index on X, then when inserting new values, data will be moved around on the disk to account for this:


INSERT INTO Test VALUES (10),(1),(20)



After inserting 10,1 and 20, data on the disk will be in the order of X: a 1, followed by a 10, then a 20. When we insert values 2 and 3, 10 and 20 will have to be moved so that 2 and 3 are inserted. Then, after deleting 1, all data will be moved so that the final physical order of the data (the actual file on the disk holding the database data) will be 2,3,10,20. This will help optimize not only finding the rows, but also efficiently reading them from disk (disk access is the most expensive operation for a database). 

Note: deletion is working a little differently in reality, but in theory this is how it would work.

Nonclustered indexes, on the other hand, keep their own order and reference the records from the original data. For such a simple example as above, the result would be almost identical, but imagine you have the Employee table and you create a nonclustered index on LastName. This means that behind the scenes, a data structure that looks like a table is created, which is ordered by LastName and contains another column for EmployeeId (which is the primary key, the identifier of an employee). When you do SELECT * FROM Employee ORDER BY LastName, the index will be used to first get a list of ids, then select the values from them.

A UNIQUE index also insures that no two records will have the same combination of values as defined therein. In the case of the primary key, there cannot be two records with the same id. But one can imagine something like:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_Employee_Name ON Employee(FirstName,LastName)

INSERT INTO Employee (FirstName,LastName)

IX_Employee_Name is a nonclustered unique index on FirstName and LastName. If you execute the insert, it will work the first time, but fail the second time:

There is another type of index-like structure called a foreign key. It should be used to define logical relationships between tables. For the Department table, DepartmentId should be a primary key, but in the Employee table, DepartmentId should be defined as a foreign key connecting to the column in the Department table.

Important note: a foreign key defines the relationship, but doesn't index the column. A separate index should be added on the Employee.DepartmentId column for performance reasons.

I don't want to get into foreign keys here. Suffice to say that once this relationship is defined, some things can be achieved automatically, like deleting corresponding Item records by the engine when deleting Invoices. Also the performance of JOIN queries increases.

Indexes can be used not only on equality, but also other more complex cases: numerical ranges, prefixes, etc. It is important to understand how they are structured, so you know when to use them.

Let's consider the IX_Employee_Name index. The index is practically creating a tree structure on the concatenation of the first and last name of the employee and stores the primary key columns for the table for reference. It will work great for increasing performance of a query like SELECT * FROM Employee ORDER BY FirstName or SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Sid%'. However it will not work for LastName queries or contains queries like SELECT * FROM Employee ORDER BY LastName or SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE FirstName LIKE '%derit%'.

That's important because sometimes simpler queries will take more resources than more complicated ones. Here is a dumb example:

CREATE INDEX IX_Employee_Dumb ON Employee(

FROM Employee e
WHERE e.FirstName='Siderite'
  AND e.LastName='Blog'

FROM Employee e
WHERE e.FirstName='Siderite'
  AND e.LastName='Blog'
  AND e.DepartmentId=1

The index we create is called IX_Employee_Dumb and it creates a data structure to help find rows by FirstName, DepartmentId and LastName in that order. 

For some reason, in our employee table there are a lot of people called Siderite, but with different departments and last names. The first query will use the index to find all Siderite employees (fast), then look into each and check if LastName is 'Blog' (slow). The second query will directly find the Siderite Blog employee from department with id 1 (fast), because it uses all columns in the index. As you can see, the order of columns in the index is important, because without the DepartmentId in the WHERE clause, only the first part of the index, for FirstName, can be used. In the last query, because we specify all columns, the entire index can be used to efficiently locate the matching rows. 

Note 2022-09-06: Partitioning a table (advanced concept) takes precedence to indexes. I had a situation where a table was partitioned on column RowDate into 63 partitions. The primary key was RowId, but when you SELECTed on RowId, there were 63 index seeks performed. If queried on RowId AND RowDate, it went to the containing partition and did only one index seek inside it. So careful with partitioning. It only provides a benefit if you query on the columns you use to partition on.

One more way of optimizing queries is using the INCLUDE clause. Imagine that Employee is a table with a lot of columns. On the disk, each record is taking a lot of space. Now, we want to optimize the way we get just FirstName and LastName when searching in a department:

SELECT FirstName,LastName
FROM Employee
WHERE DepartmentId=@departmentId

That @ syntax is used for variables and parameters. As a general rule, any values you send to an SQL query should be parameterized. So don't do in C# var sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id="+id, instead do var sql="SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id=@id" and add an @id parameter when running the query.

So, in the query above SQL will do the following:

  • use an index for DepartmentId if any (fast)
  • find the EmployeeId
  • read the (large) records of each employee from the table (slow)
  • extract and return the first and last name for each

But add this index and there is no need to even go to the table:

CREATE INDEX IX_Employee_DepWithNames
  ON Employee(DepartmentId)

What this will do is add the values of FirstName and LastName to the data inside the index and, if only selecting values from the include list, return them from the index directly, without having to read records from the initial table.

Note that DepartmentId is used to locate rows (in WHERE and JOIN ON clauses) while FirstName and LastName are the columns one SELECTs.

Indexes are a very complex concept and I invite you to examine it at length. It might even be fun.

When indexes are bad

Before I close, let me tell you where indexes are NOT recommended.

One might think that adding an index for each type of query would be a good thing and in some scenarios it might, but as usual in database work, it depends. What performance you gain for finding records in SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE statements, you lose with INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE data changes.

As I explained before, indexes are basically hidden tables themselves. Slight differences, but the data they contain is similar, organized in columns. Whenever you change or add data, these indexes will have to be updated, too. It's like writing in multiple tables at the same time and it affects not only the execution time, but also the disk space.

In my opinion, the index and table structure of a database depends the most on if you intend to read a lot from it or write a lot to it. And of course, everybody will scowl and say: "I want both! High performance read and write". My recommendation is to separate the two cases as much as possible.

  • You want to insert a lot of data and often? Use large tables with many columns and no indexes, not even primary keys sometimes.
  • You want to update a lot of data and often? Use the same tables to insert the modifications you want to perform.
  • You want to read a lot of data and often? Use small read only tables, well defined, normalized data, clear relationships between tables, a lot of indexes
  • Have a background process to get inserts and updates and translate them into read only records

Writing data and reading data, from the SQL engine perspective, are very very different things. They might as well be different software and indeed some companies use one technology to insert data (like NoSQL databases) and another to read it.


I hope the post hasn't been too long and that it will help you when beginning with SQL. Please leave any feedback that you might have, the purpose of this blog is to help people and every perspective helps.

SQL is a very interesting idea and has changed the way people think of data access. However, it has become so complex that most people are still confused even after years of working with it. Every year new features are being added and new ideas are put forward. Yet there are a few concepts, a foundation if you will, that will get you most of the way there. This is what I have tried to distil here. Hope I succeeded.

  I was attempting to optimize an SQL process that was cleaning records from a big table. There are a multitude of ways of doing this, but the pattern that I had adopted for the last similar tasks were to delete rows in batches using the TOP (@rowCount) syntax. And it had all worked fine until then, but now my "optimization" increased the run time from 6 minutes to 2 hours! Humbled (or more like humiliated) I started to analyze what was going on.

  First thing I did was to SET STATISTICS IO ON. Then I ran the cleaning task again. And lo and behold, there was a row reporting accessing an object that was not part of the query itself. What was going on? At first I thought that I was using a VIEW somewhere, one that I had thought was a table, but no, there was no reference to that object anywhere. But when I looked for that object is was a view!

  The VIEW in question was a view with SCHEMABINDING, to which several indexes were then created. That explained it all. If you ever attempted to create an index on a view you probably got the error "Cannot create index on view, because the view is not schema bound" and then you investigated what that entailed (and probably gave up because of all the restrictions) but in that first moment when you thought "all I have to do is add WITH SCHEMABINDING and I can index my views!" it seemed like a good idea. It might even be a good idea for several scenarios, but what it also does is create a reverse dependency on the object you are using. Moreover, if you look more carefully at the Microsoft documentation it says: "The query optimizer may use indexed views to speed up the query execution. The view does not have to be referenced in the query for the optimizer to consider that view for a substitution." So you may find yourself querying a table and instead the engine queries a view instead!

  You see, what happens is that every time when you delete 4900 rows from a table that is used by a view that has indexes on it is those indexes are being recreated, so not only your table is affected, but potentially everything that is being called in the view as well. If it's a complicated view that integrates data from multiple sources, it will be run after every batch delete and indexed. Again. And again. And again again. It also prohibits you from some operations, like TRUNCATE TABLE, where you get a funny message saying it's referenced by a view and that is why you can't truncate it. What?!

  Now, I deleted the VIEW and ran the same code. It was faster, but it still took ages because finding the records to delete was a much longer operation than the deletion itself. This post is about this reverse dependency that an indexed view introduces.

  So what is the solution? What if you have the view, you need the view and you also need it indexed? You can disable the indexes before your operation, then enable them again. I believe this will solve most issues, even if it's not a trivial operation. Just remember that in cleaning operations, you need some indexes to find the records to delete as well.

  That's it. I hope it helps. Get out of here!

  When we connect to SQL we usually copy/paste some connection string and change the values we need and rarely consider what we could change in it. That is mostly because of the arcane looking syntax and the rarely read documentation for it. You want to connect to a database, give it the server, instance and credentials and be done with it. However, there are some parameters that, when set, can save us a lot of grief later on.

  Application Name is something that identifies the code executing SQL commands to SQL Server, which can then be seen in profilers and DMVs or used in SQL queries. It has a maximum length of 128 characters. Let's consider the often met situation when your application is large enough to be segregated into different domains, each having their own data access layer, business rules and user interface. In this case, each domain can have its own connection string and it makes sense to specify a different Application Name for each. Later on, one can use SQL Profiler, for example, and filter on the specific area of interest.


  The application name can also be seen in some queries to SQL Server's Dynamic Management Views (quite normal, considering DMVs are used by SQL Profiler) like sys.dm_exec_sessions. Inside your own queries you can also get the value of the application name by simply calling APP_NAME(). For example, running SELECT APP_NAME(); in SQL Management Studio returns a nice "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Query" value. In SQL Server Profiler the column is ApplicationName while in DMVs like sys.dm_exec_sessions the column is program_name.

  Example connection string: Server=localhost;Database=MyDatabase;User Id=Siderite;Password=P4ssword; Application Name=Greatest App Ever

  Hope it helps!

  Interesting SQL table hint I found today: READPAST. It instructs SQL queries to ignore locked rows. This comes with advantages and disadvantages. For one it avoids deadlocks when trying to read or write an already locked row, but it also provides the wrong results. Just as NOLOCK, it works around the transaction mechanism, and while NOLOCK will allow dirty reads of information partially changed in transactions that have not been committed, READPAST ignores its existence completely.

  There is one scenario where I think this works best: batched DELETE operations. You want to delete a lot of rows from a table, but without locking it. If you just do a delete for the entire table with some condition you will get these issues:

  • the operation will be slow, especially if you are deleting on a clustered index which moves data around in the table
  • if the number of deleted rows is too large (usually 5000 or more) then the operation will lock the entire table, not just the deleted rows
  • if there are many rows to be deleted, the operation will take a long while, increasing the possibility of deadlocks

  While there are several solutions for this, like partitioning the table and then truncating the partitions or soft deletes or designing your database to separate read and write operations, one type of implementation change that is small in scope and large is result is batched deletes. Basically, you run a flow like this:

  1. SELECT a small number of rows to be deleted (again, mind the 5000 limit that causes table locks, perhaps even use ROWLOCK hint)
  2. DELETE rows selected and their dependencies (DELETE TOP x should work as well for steps 1 and 2, but I understand in some cases this syntax automatically causes a table lock and maybe also use ROWLOCK hint)
  3. if the number of selected rows is larger than 0, go back to step 1

  This allows SQL to lock individual rows and, if your business logic is sound, no rows should be deleted while something is trying to read or write them. However, this is not always the case, especially in high stress cases with many concurrent reads and writes. But here, if you use READPAST, then locked rows will be ignored and the next loops will have the chance to delete them.

  But there is a catch. Let's take an example:

  1. Table has 2 rows: A and B
  2. Transaction 1 locks row A
  3. In a batched delete scenario, Transaction 2 gets the rows with READPAST and so only gets B
  4. Transaction 2 deletes row B and commits, and continues the loop
  5. Transaction 3 gets the rows with READPAST and gets no rows (A is still locked)
  6. Transaction 3 deletes nothing and exists the loop
  7. Transaction 1 unlocks row A
  8. Table now has 1 row: A, which should have been deleted, but it's not

  There is a way to solve this: SELECT with NOLOCK and DELETE with READPAST

  • this will allow to always select even locked and uncommitted rows
  • this will only delete rows that are not locked
  • this will never deadlock, but will loop forever as long as some rows remain locked

  One more gotcha is that READPAST allows for a NOWAIT syntax, which says to immediately ignore locked rows, without waiting for a number of seconds (specified by LOCK_TIMEOUT) to see if it unlocks. Since you are doing a loop, it would be wise to wait, so that it doesn't go into a rapid loop while some rows are locked. Barring that, you might want to use READPAST NOWAIT and then add a WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:00.010' at the end of the loop to add 10 millisecond delay, but if you have a lot of rows to delete, it might make this too slow.

  Enough of this, lets see some code example:

DECLARE @batchSize INT = 1000
DECLARE @nrRows INT = 1


WHILE (@nrRows>0)


    SELECT TOP (@batchSize) Id
    WHERE Condition=1

    SET @nrRows = @@ROWCOUNT

    INNER JOIN #temp t
    ON mt.Id=t.Id

	WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:00.010'




Now the scenario goes like this:

  1. Table has 2 rows: A and B
  2. Transaction 1 locks row A
  3. Transaction 2 gets the rows with NOLOCK and so only gets A and B
  4. Transaction 2 deletes rows A and B with READPAST, but only B is deleted
  5. loop continues (2 rows selected)
  6. Transaction 3 gets the rows with NOLOCK and gets one row 
  7. Transaction 3 deletes with READPAST with no effect (A is still locked)
  8. loop continues (1 rows selected)
  9. Transaction 1 unlocks row A
  10. Transaction 4 gets the rows with NOLOCK and gets row A (not locked)
  11. Transaction 4 deleted with READPAST and deletes row A
  12. loop continues (1 rows selected), but next transaction selects nothing, so loop ends (0 rows selected)
  13. Table now has no rows and no deadlock occurred

Hope this helps.

 So I got assigned this bug where date 1900-01-01 was displayed on the screen so, as I am lazy, I started to look into the code without reproducing the issue. The SQL stored procedure looked fine, it was returning:

  CASE SpecialCase=1 THEN ''
  ELSE SomeDate
  END as DateFilteredBySpecialCase

Then the value was being passed around through various application layers, but it wasn't transformed into anything, then it was displayed. So where did this magical value come from? I was expecting some kind of ISNULL(SomeDate,'1900-01-01') or some change in the mapping code or maybe SomeDate was 1900-01-01 in some records, but I couldn't find anything like that.

Well, at second glance, the selected column has to have a returning type, so what is it? The Microsoft documentation explains:

Returns the highest precedence type from the set of types in result_expressions and the optional else_result_expression. For more information, see Data Type Precedence.

If you follow that link you will see that strings are at the very bottom, while dates are close to the top. In other words, a CASE statement that returns strings and dates will always have the return type a date!

SELECT CAST('' as DATETIME) -- selects 1900-01-01

Just a quickie. Hope it helps.

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  Tracing and logging always seem simple, an afterthought, something to do when you've finished your code. Only then you realize that you would want to have it while you are testing your code or when an unexpected issue occurs in production. And all you have to work with is an exception, something that tells you something went wrong, but without any context. Here is a post that attempts to create a simple method to enhance exceptions without actually needing to switch logging level to Trace or anything like that and without great performance losses.

  Note that this is a proof of concept, not production ready code.

  First of all, here is an example of usage:

public string Execute4(DateTime now, string str, double dbl)
    using var _ = TraceContext.TraceMethod(new { now, str, dbl });
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid operation");

  Obviously, the exception is something that would occur in a different way in real life. The magic, though, happens in the first line. I am using (heh!) the new C# 8.0 syntax for top level using statements so that there is no extra indentation and, I might say, one of the few situations where I would want to use this syntax. In fact, this post started from me thinking of a good place to use it without confusing any reader of the code.

  Also, TraceContext is a static class. That might be OK, since it is a very special class and not part of the business logic. With the new Roslyn source generators, one could insert lines like this automatically, without having to write them by hand. That's another topic altogether, though.

  So, what is going on there? Since there is no metadata information about the names of the currently executing method (without huge performance issues), I am creating an anonymous object that has properties with the same names and values as the arguments of the method. This is the only thing that might differ from one place to another. Then, in TraceMethod I return an IDisposable which will be disposed at the end of the method. Thus, I am generating a context for the entire method run which will be cleared automatically at the end.

  Now for the TraceContext class:

/// <summary>
/// Enhances exceptions with information about their calling context
/// </summary>
public static class TraceContext
    static ConcurrentStack<MetaData> _stack = new();

    /// <summary>
    /// Bind to FirstChanceException, which occurs when an exception is thrown in managed code,
    /// before the runtime searches the call stack for an exception handler in the application domain.
    /// </summary>
    static TraceContext()
        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException += EnhanceException;

    /// <summary>
    /// Add to the exception dictionary information about caller, arguments, source file and line number raising the exception
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    private static void EnhanceException(object? sender, FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs e)
        if (!_stack.TryPeek(out var metadata)) return;
        var dict = e.Exception.Data;
        if (dict.IsReadOnly) return;
        dict[nameof(metadata.Arguments)] = Serialize(metadata.Arguments);
        dict[nameof(metadata.MemberName)] = metadata.MemberName;
        dict[nameof(metadata.SourceFilePath)] = metadata.SourceFilePath;
        dict[nameof(metadata.SourceLineNumber)] = metadata.SourceLineNumber;

    /// <summary>
    /// Serialize the name and value of arguments received.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="arguments">It is assumed this is an anonymous object</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string? Serialize(object arguments)
        if (arguments == null) return null;
        var fields = arguments.GetType().GetProperties();
        var result = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        foreach (var field in fields)
            var name = field.Name;
            var value = field.GetValue(arguments);
            result[name] = SafeSerialize(value);
        return JsonSerializer.Serialize(result);

    /// <summary>
    /// This would require most effort, as one would like to serialize different types differently and skip some.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="value"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string SafeSerialize(object? value)
        // naive implementation
            return JsonSerializer.Serialize(value).Trim('\"');
        catch (Exception ex1)
                return value?.ToString() ?? "";
            catch (Exception ex2)
                return "Serialization error: " + ex1.Message + "/" + ex2.Message;

    /// <summary>
    /// Prepare to enhance any thrown exception with the calling context information
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args"></param>
    /// <param name="memberName"></param>
    /// <param name="sourceFilePath"></param>
    /// <param name="sourceLineNumber"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static IDisposable TraceMethod(object args,
                                            [CallerMemberName] string memberName = "",
                                            [CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = "",
                                            [CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0)
        _stack.Push(new MetaData(args, memberName, sourceFilePath, sourceLineNumber));
        return new DisposableWrapper(() =>
            _stack.TryPop(out var _);

    /// <summary>
    /// Just a wrapper over a method which will be called on Dipose
    /// </summary>
    public class DisposableWrapper : IDisposable
        private readonly Action _action;

        public DisposableWrapper(Action action)
            _action = action;

        public void Dispose()

    /// <summary>
    /// Holds information about the calling context
    /// </summary>
    public class MetaData
        public object Arguments { get; }
        public string MemberName { get; }
        public string SourceFilePath { get; }
        public int SourceLineNumber { get; }

        public MetaData(object args, string memberName, string sourceFilePath, int sourceLineNumber)
            Arguments = args;
            MemberName = memberName;
            SourceFilePath = sourceFilePath;
            SourceLineNumber = sourceLineNumber;

Every call to TraceMethod adds a new MetaData object to a stack and every time the method ends, the stack will pop an item. The static constructor of TraceMethod will have subscribed to the FirstChangeException event of the current application domain and, whenever an exception is thrown (caught or otherwise), its Data dictionary is getting enhanced with:

  • name of the method called
  • source file name
  • source file line number where the exception was thrown.
  • serialized arguments (remember Exceptions need to be serializable, including whatever you put in the Data dictionary, so that is why we serialize it all)

(I have written another post about how .NET uses code attributes to get the first three items of information during build time) 

This way, you get information which would normally be "traced" (detailed logging which is usually detrimental to performance) in any thrown exception, but without filling some trace log or having to change production configuration and reproduce the problem again. Assuming your application does not throw exceptions all over the place, this adds very little complexity to the executed code.

Moreover, this will enhance exception with the source code file name and line number even in Release mode!

I am sure there are some issues with code that might fail and it is not caught in a try/catch and of course the serialization code is where people should put a lot of effort, since different types get to be serialized for inspection differently (think async methods and the like). And more methods should be added so that people trace whatever they like in thrown exceptions. Yet, as I said, this is a POC, so I hope it gets you inspired.

 T-SQL Querying is a very good overview of SQL Server queries, indexing, best practices, optimization and troubleshooting. I can't imagine someone can just read it and be done with it, as it is full of useful references, so it's good to keep it on the table. Also, it's relatively short, so one can peruse it in a day and then keep using it while doing SQL work.

What I didn't like so much was the inconsistent level of knowledge needed for the various chapters. It starts with a tedious explanations of types of queries and what JOINs are and what ORDER BY is and so on, then moves on to the actual interesting stuff. Also, what the hell is that title and cover? :) You'd think it's a gardening book.

Another great thing about it is that it is available free online, from its publishers: Packt.

The need

  I don't know about you, but I've been living with ad blockers from the moment they arrived. Occasionally I get access to a new machine and experience the Internet without an ad blocker and I can't believe how bad it is. A long time ago I had a job where I was going by bike. After two years of not using public transport, I got in a bus and had to get out immediately. It smelled so bad! How had I ever used that before? It's the same thing.

  However, most of the companies we take for granted as pillars of the web need to bombard us with ads and generally push or skew our perceptions in order to make money, so they find ways to obfuscate their web sites, lock them in "apps" that you have no control of or plain manipulate the design of the things we use to write code so that it makes this more difficult.

Continuous war

  Let me give you an example of this arms race. You open your favorite web site and there it is, a garish, blinking, offending, annoying ad that is completely useless. Luckily, you have an ad blocker so you select the ad, see that it's enclosed in a div with class "annoyingAd" and you make a blocking rule for it. Your web site is clean again. But the site owner realizes people are not clicking on the ad anymore, so he dynamically changes the class name to something different every time you open the page. Now, you could try to decipher the JavaScript code that populates the div and write a script to get the correct class, but it would only work for this web site and you would have to know how to code in JavaScript and it would take a lot of effort you don't want to spend. But then you realize that above the horrid thing there is a title "Annoying ad you can't get rid of", so you write a simple thing to get rid of the div that contains a span with that content. Yay!

  At this point you already have some issues. The normal way people block ads is to create a quasi CSS rule for an element. Yet CSS doesn't easily let's you select elements based on the inner text or to select parents of elements with certain characteristics. In part it's a question of performance, but at the same time there is a matter of people who want to obfuscate your web site taking part in the decision process of what should go in CSS. So here, to get the element with a certain content we had to use something that expands normal CSS, like the jQuery syntax or some extra JavaScript. This is, needless to say, already applicable to a low number of people. But suspend your disbelief for a moment.

  Maybe your ad blocker is providing you with custom rules that you can make based on content, or you write a little script or even the ad blocker people write the code for you. So the site owner catches up and he does something: instead of having a span with the title, he puts many little spans, containing just a few letters, some of them hidden visually and filled with garbage, others visible. The title is now something like "Ann"+"xxx"+"oying"+"xxx"+" ad", where all "xxx" texts appear as part of the domain object model (the page's DOM) but they are somehow not visible to the naked eye. Now the inner text of the container is "Annxxxoyingxxx ad", with random letters instead of xxx. Beat that!

  And so it goes. You need to spend knowledge and effort to escalate this war that you might not even win. Facebook is the king of obfuscation, where even the items shared by people are mixed and remixed so that you cannot select them. So what's the solution?


  At first I wanted to go in the same direction, fight the same war. Let's create a tool that deobfuscates the DOM! Maybe using AI! Something that would, at the end, give me the simplest DOM possible that would create the visual output of the current page and, when I change one element in this simple DOM, it would apply the changes to the corresponding obfuscated DOM. And that IS a solution, if not THE solution, but it is incredibly hard to implement.

  There is another option, though, something that would progressively enhance the existing DOM with information that one could use in a CSS rule. Imagine a small script that, added to any page, would add attributes to elements like this: visibleText="Annoying ad" containingText="Annxxxoingxxx ad" innerText="" positionInPage="78%,30%-middle-right" positionInViewport="78%,5%-top-right". Now you can use a CSS rule for it, because CSS has syntax for attributes equal to, containing, starting or ending with something. This would somewhat slow the page, but not terribly so. One can use it as a one shot (no matter how long it takes, it only runs once) or continuous (where every time an element changes, it would recreate the attributes in it and its parents).


  Now, I have not begun development on this yet, I've just had this idea of a domExplainer library that I could make available for everybody. I have to test how it works on difficult web sites like Facebook and try it as a general option in my browser. But I would really appreciate feedback first. What do you think? What else would you add to (or remove from) it? What else would you use it for?

  This blog post is about Table Value Constructors or Row Constructors. While they make intuitive sense and this is how I will present them, they were introduced in Microsoft Sql Server 2008 and because they look like another very old feature, most database developers are not aware of them.

  So let's begin with a simple INSERT statement:


VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(NULL,NULL),(2,1)

So we create a table and we insert some data using the VALUES expression. This is equivalent to



I've certainly used this SELECT + UNION ALL construct to generate static data in my SQL statements. Sometimes, because it's such an annoying syntax, I've created a table or table variable and then inserted values into it in order to use data in a structured way. But could we use the VALUES expression in other contexts, not just for INSERT statements? And the answer is: Yes! (in Sql Server 2008 or newer)

Here is an example:

FROM (VALUES(1,1),(1,2),(NULL,NULL),(2,1)) as Position(X,Y)

This is not a disk table, nor is it a table variable, but an expression that will be treated as a table with columns X and Y, of type INT. As in a SELECT/UNION ALL construct, the type of the columns will be determined by the first set of values.

You can see a "real life" example in my previous post on how to solve Sudoku using an SQL statement.

Now, while I've explained how to remember the syntax and purpose of Table Value Constructors, there are differences between the VALUES expression used as a TVC and when used in an INSERT statement.

In an INSERT statement, VALUES is just a way to specify data to add and has been there since the beginning of SQL and therefore is subject to constraints from that era. For example, you cannot add more than 1000 rows in an INSERT/VALUES construct. But you can using an INSERT/SELECT/VALUES construct:

VALUES (1,2),
       -- ... more than 1000 records

-- Error 10738 is returned

VALUES (1,2),
       -- ... more than 1000 records
) as P(x,y)

-- Works like a charm

Hope it helps!

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I got this exception at my work today, a System.ArgumentException with the message "Argument passed in is not serializable.", that I could not quite understand. Where does it come from, since the .NET source repository does not contain the string? How can I fix it?

The stack trace ended up at System.Collection.ListDictionaryInternal.set_Item(Object key, Object value) in a method where, indeed, I was setting a value in a dictionary. But this is not how dictionaries behave! The dictionary in question was the Exception.Data property. It makes sense, because Exception objects are supposed to be serializable, and I was adding a value of type HttpMethod which, even if extremely simple and almost always used as an Enum, it is actually a class of its own which is not serializable!

So, there you have it, always make sure you add serializable objects in an exception's Data dictionary.

But why is this happening? The implementation of the Data property looks like this:

public virtual IDictionary Data { 
  get {
    if (_data == null)
      if (IsImmutableAgileException(this))
        _data = new EmptyReadOnlyDictionaryInternal();
        _data = new ListDictionaryInternal();
    return _data;

Now, EmptyReadOnlyDictionaryInternal is just a dictionary you can't add to. The interesting class is ListDictionaryInternal. Besides being an actual linked list implementation (who does that in anything but C++ classrooms?) it contains this code:

  if (!key.GetType().IsSerializable)                 
    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_NotSerializable"), "key");                    
  if( (value != null) && (!value.GetType().IsSerializable ) )
    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_NotSerializable"), "value");                    

So both key and value of the Data dictionary property in an Exception instance need to be serializable.

But why didn't I find the string in the source reference? While the Microsoft reference website doesn't seem to support simple string search, it seems Google does NOT index the code GitHub pages either. You have to:

  • manually go to GitHub and search
  • get no results
  • notice that the "Code" section of the results has a question mark instead of a number next to it
  • click on it
  • then it asks you to log in
  • and only then you get results!

So bonus thing: if you are searching for some string in the .NET source code, first of all use the GitHub repo, then make sure you log in when you search.

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When learning to code we get to these exercises and tests and katas and interview questions using some array and expecting some magical string or number and you hear they are called algorithms. And they are intellectual, complex, mathematical, abstract, annoying and feel completely random. But when you are actually doing something real, code doesn't look like that at all. It took me years to understand what the problem is and I am going to share that with you today.

The short version is this: If your program logic doesn't look like an algorithm you are probably doing something wrong. Programming katas are simple because they need to be able to check your answers and give an unequivocal result. It's good to know them, but you shouldn't need to know them, because they are not meant for the real world, but for controlled short term experiments. Unless you are going to work for a sorting company, that's a thing.

Now for the long version.

What you expected versus what you get

You get your first job as a developer and your tasks sound like "fix the color of the submit button" and "the report page shows title in the right, move it to the left". And you think "why the hell did I go through those manual Bubble sort algorithms and learned Quicksort partitions if this is what programming looks like?!". The answer is that you will get to a point where your skills will make people feel confident enough to let you design and architect the things you write. Only then the algorithmic thinking will help because you will have decided yourself what the button does and why its color or position are what they are.

When you start designing flows and entire systems and how they click together it helps a lot to see a component as an algorithm: inputs, rules and outputs. "But, Siderite, a button is not either of those!" you will say. And that is true, but also completely irrelevant. Your program logic should not care about a button, but about an input. And now you also see why the summing of distinct array items is a poor substitute for real life problems, because a click on a button is not a value in a properly contained list, but an event. And most programming exercises and even entire computer classes don't treat events as abstract inputs at all.

Lately this has started to change, both in how programming languages look at actions and events as first-class citizens, but also in theoretical and programmatic concepts like observables, streams, functional programming, reactivity, event buses and messaging, microservices, etc. It makes sense to not quite get it when you have not begun to touch these concepts and when everybody and their grandmother focus on the latest frontend framework, rapid application dev tools or extensions to VS Code, but at their very core all of these things are solutions to the same problem, following the same principles.

Breaking reality apart

As you start to climb toward seniority (and that does NOT mean going to Mexico so they call you "señor developer") you learn about Separation of Concerns, as a good strategy to isolate changes, improve readability and testing and ease maintainability and deployment. You learn about writing applications in layers: the UI, the business logic, the database access, etc, which is also about separating concerns. And as you go further and further on that path you realize...

Wait! This business logic thing looks like an algorithm! It abstracts all of its dependencies until all that remains is: inputs, rules, outputs.

But there are things to confound you: events, user input, parallel tasks, race conditions, heavy load use, the cloud. You can use the same tools, though! Abstract everything, separate concerns. What is an event but a signal coming from a source? Your input is the observable source object and the events themselves just values coming in. Or just a method that receives an event object and you handle sending the event someplace else. Everything coming from the user can be handled the same way. Concurrency is solved by maintaining as little internal state as possible and, when absolutely necessary, guarding it against concurrent access via clear established methods, like semaphores and transaction contexts.

Once your logic is clear, your data structured and every external dependency abstracted away, you can run and test every subsystem in isolation. You don't care something is supposed to be a click, or an error, or a network message or on Windows or Linux or how it's deployed or if the database is available and what kind it is, what UI is being used and what it does, where in the world you are and what time it is and so on. Your code is now an algorithm: a set of rules applied on predictable input which can then be tested for an expected output.

A new requirement comes: you change just the part responsible for the requirement. You can write unit tests before or after or test it manually without caring about anything outside that piece of code. A bug is reported: you write a test that reproduces the bug, you change the code, see the test pass and you never had to open a browser or an app or go to some external environment or ask some other team for user access or if you can use the database. How does it sound to be able to code without ever having to manually go through application scenarios?

Of course there will be an ugly user facing piece of code that you will have to write, but it should be minimal. Your logic is sound, almost mathematically provable to be correct, and how you plug it in is irrelevant. Yes, you will have to work with the graphical designer in your team and make it so the nicely colored card slides across the screen, but that is a meaningless process that you play with in complete isolation from your logic. End to end testing is sometimes necessary, but it's a human thing to do, as well. Just check the "feel" of things, how they look, how they move, if it works for you. The only reason why you are going through it is because you have not been able to completely abstract the end user, with their stupid requests and complicated needs and ideas of what beautiful means.

Yet that is beginning to change as well. Artificial Intelligence, of all things, has advanced so far that you can create minimal interfaces using human language requests. "Build me a web page with a list of items that can be scrolled and selected to be displayed in a details pane on the right". I can imagine this can be used in real life only when the logic of the application has already been written and one is able to just plug and play such a monstrosity without much effort, while also being prepared to change the requirements, recreate the entire things in a different way, but plug it in the same.

And there will be some sort of deployment framework, with people deploying stuff and checking stuff, with data in databases or other persistence mediums. Your code logic? Doesn't care.

Imposter syndrome

Does this sound like a pipe dream that a snake oil peddler is trying to sell you? Let me tell you that the only reason you are not working like that now is because someone though it was too complicated and decided to cut corners. And they have been paying for it ever since, as well as you.

The only proven way of solving complex problems is Divide and Rule. Life is complex and real problems, too. Separation of Concerns, Inversion of Control, Domain Boundaries are the tools you use to break any problem into smaller manageable pieces. And that brings us back to interview questions and pointless algorithms.

When you go to a code test, you are the algorithm. They give you some input and an expected output and check to see if your internal rules are up to the task. Of course you could google for an easy solution. More than that, what kind of employee would you be if whenever the boss asked for something you would build it from scratch without seeing what others did? What hubris to believe that you could know the answer better than anyone else without even checking!

Test succeeded

The conclusion of this stream (heh!) of consciousness is that once you realize the algorithmic nature of any problem (once you abstract every interface with reality), you can see the actual value of being proficient in writing one. You might start with sorting and fizzbuzz and other bullcrap like that, but they are just steps on a larger ladder that will eventually make sense, just like learning the letters of the alphabet prepared you to read to the end of this post. Also, if you are trying to get a job as a book editor and the HR person is asking you if you know all the letters of the alphabet, maybe you don't want to work there.


The links in this article are important, especially if you are a just beginning your journey as a developer. Check out the concepts there and learn to use them in your life, it will get a whole lot easier!

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The point of regular expression character classes is to simplify your expressions, but they can introduce subtle bugs or efficiency issues.

Let's check out this StackOverflow answer to question \d less efficient than [0-9]

\d checks all Unicode digits, while [0-9] is limited to these 10 characters. For example, Persian digits, ۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹, are an example of Unicode digits which are matched with \d, but not [0-9].

This makes sense, only it has never occurred to me until this very moment. I would never use a [0-9] notation and I would replace it with a \d if found in code.

What does that mean?

One simple consequence of such a class would be performance: searching for a large list of characters is less efficient. Another would be introducing the possibility for bugs or even malicious attacks. Let's see the code for a calculator that adds two numbers. It's a silly piece of code, but imagine that a more complex one would take the user content and save it into a database, try to process it or display it.

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode;
    var firstNumber = GetNumberString();
    var secondNumber = GetNumberString();
    Console.WriteLine("Sum = "+(int.Parse(firstNumber) + int.Parse(secondNumber)));

private static string GetNumberString()
    string result=null;
    var isNumber = false;
    while (!isNumber)
        Console.Write("Enter a number: ");
        result = Console.ReadLine();
        isNumber = Regex.IsMatch(result, @"^\d+$");
        if (!isNumber)
            Console.WriteLine($"{result} is not a number! Try again.");
    return result;

This will try to get numbers as a string and test it using the regular expression ^\d+$, which means the string has to consist of one or more digits. Note that I had to set the console input encoding to Unicode in order to be able to paste Persian numbers. This code works fine until I use Arabic or Persian digits, where it breaks in the int.Parse method. Using ^[0-9]$ as the regular expression pattern would solve this issue.

Same issue will occur with \w (warning: \w is letters AND digits) and [a-zA-Z] (or just [a-z] and using RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).

If one uses code to determine the number of matches for each regular expression pattern

var regexPattern = @"\d";
var nr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ushort.MaxValue; i++)
    string str = Convert.ToChar(i).ToString();
    if (Regex.IsMatch(str, regexPattern))

we get this:

  • for \d : 370
    • ALL digits
  • for \w : 50320
    • ALL word characters (including digits) 
  • for [^\W\d] : 49950
    • ALL word characters, but not the digits 
  • for \p{L} : 48909
    • ALL letters
  • for [A-Za-z] : 52
    • letters from a to z
  • for [0-9] : 10
    • digits from 0 to 9

I hope this helps.