Bookmark Explorer v2.7 - new features

Bookmark Explorer now features:
- configurable interval for keeping a page open before bookmarking it for Read Later (so that all redirects and icons are loaded correctly)
- configurable interval after which deleted bookmarks are no longer remembered
- remembering deleted bookmarks no matter what deletes them
- more Read Later folders: configure their number and names
- redesigned options page
- more notifications on what is going on
The extension most resembles OneTab, in the sense that it is also designed to save you from opening a zillion tabs at the same time, but differs a lot by its ease of use, configurability and the absolute lack of any connection to outside servers: everything is stored in Chrome bookmarks and local storage.
Check out the new custom URL comparison system. You can now tell the extension which parts of the URL makes it duplicate or not. I hope it helps with your manga situation.
Costin MandaPerfect! Thank you very much. I went through a folder with just about every case, and it worked just fine.
TetragrammSo, I've found out some (embarassing) bugs and I fixed them. Look for version 2.8.8. If it's less, it has the bugs, including the end of bookmarks folder. Cheers!
SideriteThere was an issue with the extension immediately after I uploaded it. Hopefully it is solved now. Try to restart the browser. The unique bookmark is the only solution so far (without presenting the user with a folder selection) to select a bookmark folder. Even if you click on a bookmark there is no API to notify me which one is it. So if you have two folders with identical links, the extension cannot know which one is it. If you use the Read Later functionality, the link will be opened in a new window, but the bookmark created only after a timeout, leaving the page to redirect to wherever the page wants. I don't remember what the default is, but I set it to 90 seconds on my computer particularly for this reason. You are most welcome. Don't hesitate to give me more feedback about the extension. Merry Christmas!
SideriteIf I click the icon, it always says Not Bookmarked, even if the icon is showing an index. Usually it shows the correct index, at least the same as it did before. If the first bookmark in a folder is duplicated, it picks the first folder it's in, but I just put a unique bookmark first in each folder, and that worked. I get a notification about hitting the end of the folder well before actually reaching the end. Possible cause: These bookmarks have redirects behind them, so the URL of the page when I hit the next shortcut isn't the same as the bookmark. Thank you so much.
TetragrammWell, try the new 2.8.5 version. It has advanced options tab for what you asked and now it tries to find the best duplicate by last visited folder and if it doesn't work, it tried to find the one that is next or prev from recent visited URLs. Please let me know of any bugs. I am a bit limited with time right now (Ho ho ho!) and I didn't have time to test it well.
SideriteThat would work, as long as it doesn't switch the first time either. A general folder lock could be just keep the folder and index until I unlock? That's a bit brute force though, just continuing in the same folder is perfect. The duplicates are because I read webcomics, and have them organized in folders by the day they update. So if a comic updates 7 days a week, it's in 7 folders. Meanwhile, if I'm reading Tuesday, I don't want to switch to the Monday folder. I don't need to always use the last page, but when I've been redirected to a site that isn't a bookmark, use the last page without warning me. It was packed extensions they disabled, and I only had the packed in my backups. And the unpacked now has the nagging notification every time you open Chrome. My extension was never very good to begin with, so I didn't think it was worth dealing with the hassle of re-writing and publishing.
TetragrammThank you for your comment. It is great to see people use my software and find it useful. For the first feature, I've been thinking of the best way to handle that and you are right, if your previous bookmark was in a folder, I should use the one in the same folder. Also, in the Manage window there is a checkbox to make it stick to the folder, but it only applies to the Manage window when you switch to other tabs. If you agree, I would make it so the next bookmark is always in the same folder and following the last bookmark, if possible. I don't see how a general folder lock option could work... per tab? Like make it a dedicated tab for browsing a bookmark folder? For the notifications, I partially agree that it would be a good thing to turn them off. I know that there is no way to absolutely define duplicates and in some cases, like SPAs or software like Confluence, it would trigger false positives. I would rather try to improve duplicate detection than not tell you you reached a duplicate (and therefore you might find yourself in another folder when you move to the next link :) ). In the Manage window there is a button to select all duplicates from the folder (leaving the first not selected) so you can easily delete them. Adding an option to turn the notifications off is trivial, though, and it is not a problem to implement it. I am arguing, though, on the utility of such an option. Why do you have so many duplicates that this becomes a problem? The use last page bookmarked in this tab notification. I can implement a setting to "always use last page", but I imagine it could backfire. You read some news, then go to some websites, then you press the key combination for next link and you get completely out of context. You've given me some interesting ideas and now I feel that I need an "Advanced" section for the settings, for stuff like we discussed above. After all, if people change advanced settings, it's their responsibility if it backfires. Also, what do you mean they blocked running your own code? You check the "Developer" checkbox and you can run your own unpacked extension. Or you publish it, like I did.
SideriteHi, I like this, mostly, but I have feature requests. First, can you add an option to lock the folder while navigating? If I have a duplicate bookmark in Folder A and C, when I'm reading C and reach the duplicate, it switching to A automatically. Second, an option to turn off the pop-up notifications every time it does something? When there's a duplicate, it pops up many times, twice per folder it's duplicated in. Third, if it's locked to a folder, either turn off, or an option to turn off the warning about "Page not bookmarked. Use last page bookmarked in this tab?" Your extension is a lot better than the one I made for myself (before they blocked running your own code). I thought I'd see if you had the time and inclination before paying the $5 and trying to add these features myself. Either way, this is awesome. If you are too busy, this gives me a very nice starting place.