In the blog posts about my trip to Greece I placed some of the pictures taken, but mostly stuff pertaining to the place we were in and the paragraph before. Here are other pictures that have no special meaning other than that I like how they turned out.

black ants in Greece are slightly bigger than in Romania
Green orange tree
some park in Sparti
Sparti cat
Sparti dog

Let's Sparti!
entering Thessaloniki
street in Thessaloniki
old church in Thessaloniki

plants in Thessaloniki
plants in Thessaloniki
plants in Thessaloniki
plants in Thessaloniki
plants in Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki cat
Praying mantis in Kyparissi
plants in Kyparissi
plants in Kyparissi
plants in Kyparissi

Kyparissi plants
Kyparissi plants
Kyparissi plants
Kyparissi plants
Tzerry, the dog


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