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The problem described here was slightly false. The issue was that IOptionsSnapshot was registered as Scoped and I was just getting the service from the root IServiceProvider. The solution is to call provider.CreateScope() and with that scope as a provider use ActivatorUtilities. Even better, create a scope, then use it to get an instance of a business class that now would support Scoped services as well as Transient, just like a Controller would.

Warning, though: you need to dispose the scope, but you need to make sure you don't use any service that was created there outside the scope (after disposing).

I guess another solution would be to somehow register IOptionsSnapshot<> as transient, but haven't tried it.

And now for the original post

I was trying to create an instance of an object from a service provider to resolve any dependencies, using ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<MyObject>(_serviceProvider) and I was getting the exception:

Message=Cannot resolve scoped service 'Microsoft.Extensions.Options.IOptionsSnapshot`1[ExternalConfiguration]' from root provider.

My object was receiving a parameter of type IOptionsSnapshot<ExternalConfiguration> and upon further investigation, my service provider (which came as a resolution from the dependency injection for IServiceProvider) was actually a ServiceProviderEngineScope which just refused to resolve any IOptionsSnapshot! Funny enough, if I replaced IOptionsSnapshot with IOptionsMonitor, which in my mind is a heavier interface, it worked without issues. Further still, the problem appeared only inside an IHostedService (a BackgroundService hooked up with services.AddHostedService<T>); if I wrote the same code in a controller action, for instance, it worked fine.

The .NET 2+ implementation of IOptionsSnapshot<T> is OptionsManager<T>. If I manually resolved an instance of OptionsManager before my object, then added it as a parameter, the code worked:

var optionsSnapshot = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<OptionsManager<TestOptions>>(_serviceProvider);
var myObject = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<MyObject>(_serviceProvider, optionsSnapshot);

So, specifically, the issue is that in .NET Core, the service provider implementation cannot resolve IOptionsSnapshot interfaces in worker services. You can still do that manually, but I suspect it is a bug, since there is no problem using an IOptionsMonitor instead of IOptionsSnapshot.

A possible solution is to use an additional service provider only for IOptionsSnapshot. Warning, this will not work in a general situation if the dependencies from the additional service provider also need parameters that would be found in the original service provider:

// initialization code
var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
_additionalServiceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
// resolution code
var constructor = typeof(MyObject).GetConstructors()
var args = constructor.GetParameters()
.Select(p =>
return _serviceProvider.GetService(p.ParameterType);
return _additionalServiceProvider.GetService(p.ParameterType);
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<MyObject>(_serviceProvider, args);


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