Also, you might get a Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException with code 500 when using Ajax. It usually happends when you click on a button in a GridView or another bound control. You expect it to work, but it doesn't, even if the code is relatively clear.

The answer is (probably) that you are binding the container bound control every time you load the page (instead of only on !IsPostBack). The thing is this used to work in ASP.Net 2.0.

Bottom line: check your binding, see if you are not doing any DataBind in between the button click and the eventual event catch.


sampath online

I have used ispostback for binding but still have got the error twice in between and it's not reproduced now.. :-(

sampath online


Bravo! Simply Bravo. Slow clap..... clap..... clap



Hey there, I couldn't go off this post without thanking you. You saved me from a horribly embrassing meeting. I had to get this thing done and got stuck with very problem you addressed. You rock bud


Jason S.

Great post! I've been scratching my head on this one for a while. Thing was, on some of my pages it worked and others it didn't. I'd been scouring over the differences between them for a while and I guess it wasn't obvious enough. Thanks for this!

Jason S.

joseph jelasker

hey,really i was very helpful for me. within simple snippet of information you have solved my problem.Thanks a lot

joseph jelasker


Hey, this was a very helpful post.. that problem was a real head scratcher for me, but you showed me the way :) Thanks much!


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