I've stumbled upon this Windows port of a Linux application called HotBabe. What it does is show a transparent image of a girl over your applications that looks more naked as the CPU is used more. I wanted to use my own pictures and explore some of the concepts of desktop programming that are still a bit new to me, so I rewrote it from scratch.

The project is now up on Github and is functional. Please report any bugs or write any feature requests here or on the project page in order to make this even cooler.

  • Custom images responding to custom measurements
  • Custom measures (included are Cpu, Memory and Random, but an abstract class for custom monitor classes is included)
  • AutoRun, ClickThrough, Opacity control
  • Interface for custom images and custom monitors
  • XML config file

Update: After adding a lot of new features, I've also written a blog entry about the highlights from HotBabe.NET's development, a "making of", if you will. You can find it here: Things I've learned from HotBabe.NET.



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