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Book cover  The longest of the Bobiverse series books, almost as long as the first three combined - which makes it its own self-contained trilogy, Heaven's River was... drawn out to the point of being boring. Humor and some intense scenes made it interesting, but not only did it spend a lot of attention on trivialities, it also set up some reveals that were both predictable and also rather inconsequential.

  I am not complaining that much. I still liked the book, but the things Dennis E. Taylor flags as important are weird as only someone living in the North American utopia can think of. And yes, I know he is Canadian and he is nice and a computer programmer and a sci-fi references obsessed geek, so basically a perfect human being, yet I can't take seriously the perils of financial ruination of the Bobs or the obsessions over whether the Prime Directive should be followed, enforced, and then enforced over other people, which is self-contradicting! And a lot of talking about emotional and emotion related philosophical issues and how to accommodate them and not hurt people, when everybody else behaves like self-interested psychopaths.

  Anyway, as a slight departure from the original flow of the books in the series, this is mostly about the attempts to rescue the hardware storage of one of the Bobs from an alien superstructure where aliens seem to be living an idyllic life in a pre-steam technology civilization and not a jump from Bob to Bob ad nauseam.

  The do the mission in the most time consuming and pointless way imaginable. And then there is the issue of the "civil war" which is spoiled directly in the book description, but which in the ends falls flat as a very random and implausible evolution of the situation. One thing that I found truly original and fascinating is the idea of a quantum soul. But reading the entire book just for that is hardly worth it.

  I am going to probably continue to read the series, but I would have to remember it when the fifth book comes out, which has a pretty heavy description, so I do have hope. Overall this was a below average Bob adventure. I need it to be better.


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