and has 2 comments
I have hidden the private chat [that's the blue one] by default. In order to access it, you need to click on the "Show private chat" link in the top-left. I did that because I would like people to help each other rather than talk only with me, so I recommend using the Jabbify chat [the slightly annoying orange pop-up one]. Also, when entering your name, use a real looking name or nickname. I will not even answer anymore to people called "asfdd", "sfd", "hi" and "can you help me". People with correct names that start conversations with "adsdfs" will also be ignored.

I have also added a small piece of code to remove unwanted spam comments. If you feel that your comment was not spam and it was flagged as spam, let me know in the chat (or another comment :) ) and I will fix the issue.

I urge you again to tell me if there is anything that is bothering you about the blog in order to facilitate positive change.

Have fun, keep trying and good luck!

Update: I have fixed an issue with the layout and IE making the text disappear, especially when scrolling. Also I added a little something on the left that you can copy paste to your blog. So, if you want to help me spread the knowledge put it into your blogs. I am not making any money out if this, so make Siderite famous!! :)



Thank you for your input. But I had 3 spam messages with the word verification. So somebody went to all that trouble to do it manually. Maybe it's because my blog is in English.



I like it. I would like to create such a "gadget" on my blog... enabling readers to search stuff on IMDB. On the other hand, I think you should lose the word verification for comments... i think it's kind of pointless now ans it should be enabled only in case of a "real" spam emergency. Anyway my blog received only a single spam comment (in more than a year, without "word verification"... so I consider this feature quite redundant.


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