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As with all the programmer questions, I will update the post with the answer after people comment on this. Today's question is:
You have a list of regular expressions for strings to be matched against. You need to turn them into a single regular expression. How can you do it so that a string needs to match any of the initial regular expressions? How can you do it to match them all at the same time?

Here is a question for programmers. I will wait for your comments before answering.

After my disappointment with the Firefox for Android lack of proper bookmarks API implementation, I was at least happy that my Bookmark Explorer extension works well with Firefox for desktop. That quickly turned cold when I got a one star review because the extension did not work. And the user was right, it didn't! One of the variables declared in one of the Javascript files was not found. But that only happened in the published version, not the unpacked one on my computer.

Basically the scenario was this:
  1. Load unpacked (from my computer) extension
  2. Test it
  3. Works great
  4. Make it a Zip file and publish it
  5. Shame! Shame! Shame!

Long story short, I was loading the Javascript file like this: <script src="ApiWrapper.js"></script> when the name of the file was apiWrapper.js (note the lowercase A). My computer file system is Windows, couldn't care less about filename casing, while the virtual Zip filesystem probably isn't like that, at least in Firefox's implementation. Note that this error only affected Firefox and not Chrome or (as far as I know - because it has been 2 months since I've submitted the extension and I got no reply other than "awaiting moderation") Opera.

I've found a small gem in Javascript ES6 that I wanted to share:
let arr = [3, 5, 2, 2, 5, 5];
let unique = [ Set(arr)]; // [3, 5, 2]

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Today I've discovered, to my dismay, that two Integer objects with the same value compared with the == operator may return false, because they are different objects. So you need to use .equals (before you check for null, of course). I was about to write a scathing blog entry on how much Java sucks, but then I discovered this amazing link: Java gotchas: Immutable Objects / Wrapper Class Caching that explains that the Integer class creates a cache of 256 values so that everything between -128 and 127 is actual equal as an instance as well.

Yes, folks, you've heard that right. I didn't believe it, either, so I wrote a little demo code:
Integer i1 = Integer.valueOf(1);
Integer i2 = Integer.valueOf(1);
boolean b1 = i1 == i2; // true

i1 = Integer.valueOf(1000);
i2 = Integer.valueOf(1000);
boolean b2 = i1 == i2; // false

boolean b3 = i1 == i2; // true

boolean b4 = i1 == i2; // false

boolean b5 = i1 == i2; // true

boolean b6 = i1 == i2; // true

boolean b7 = i1 == i2; // false

i1 = 2000;
i2 = i1;
boolean b8 = i1 == i2; // true

boolean b9 = i1 == i2; // false

Update: the same thing also applies to Strings. Two strings with the same value are not == although they are immutable, so even the same string won't be equal to itself after changes. Fun!

I now submit to you that "sucks" applies to many things, but not to Java. A new term needs to be defined for it, so that it captures the horror above in a single word.

Tonight I went to an ADCES presentation about SQL table partitioning, a concept that allows for a lot of flexibility while preserving the same basic interface for a table one would use for a simpler and less scalable application. The talk was very professionally held by Bogdan Sahlean and you should have been there to see it :)

He talked about how one can create filegroups on which a table can be split into as many partitions as needed. He then demonstrated the concept of partition switching, which means swapping two tables without overhead, just via metadata, and, used in the context of partitions, the possibility to create a staging table, do stuff on it, then just swap it with a partition with no downtime. The SQL scripts used in the demo can be found on Sahlean's blog. This technology exists since SQL Server 2005, it's not something terribly new, and features with similar but limited functionality existed since SQL Server 2000. Basically the data in a table can be organized in separate buckets and one can even put each partition on a different drive for extra speed.

Things I've found interesting, in no particular order:

  • Best practice: create custom filegroups for databases and put objects in them, rather than in the primary (default) filegroup. Reason: each filegroup is restored separately,
    with the primary being the first and the one the database restore waits for to call a database as online. That means one can quickly restore the important data and see the db online, while the less accessed or less important data, like archive info, loaded afterwards.
  • Using constraints with CHECK on tables is useful in so many ways. For example, even since SQL Server 2000, one could create tables on different databases, even different servers, and if they are marked with not overlapping checks, one can not only create a view that combines all data with UNION ALL, but also insert into the view. The server will know which tables, databases and servers to connect to. Also, useful in the partition presentation.
  • CREATE INDEX with a DROP_EXISTING hint to quickly recreate or alter clustered indexes. With DROP_EXISTING, you save one complete cycle of dropping and recreating nonclustered indexes. Also, if specifying a different filegroup, you are effectively moving the data in a table from a filegroup to another.
  • Finally, the SWITCH TO partition switching can be used to quickly swap two tables, since from Sql Server 2005 all tables are considered partitioned, with regular ones just having one partition. So one creates a table identical in structure with another, does whatever with it, then just uses something like this: ALTER TABLE Orders SWITCH PARTITION 1 TO OrdersHistory PARTITION 1; to swap them out, with minimal overhang.

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Just a heads up on a technology than I had no idea existed. To get the details read this 2009 (!!! :( ) article.

Basically you define a MemoryMappedFile instance from a path or a file reader, then create one or more MemoryMappedViewAccessors, then read or write binary data. The data can be structures, by using the generic Read/Write<[type]> methods.

Drawbacks: The size of the file has to be fixed, it cannot be increased or decreased. Also the path of the file needs to be on a local drive, it can't be on a network path.
Advantages: Fast access, built in persistency, the most efficient method to share data between processes.

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Fuck Java! Just fuck it! I have been trying for half an hour to understand why a NullPointerException is returned in a Java code that I can't debug. It was a simple String object that was null inside a switch statement. According to this link states that The prohibition against using null as a switch label prevents one from writing code that can never be executed. If the switch expression is of a reference type, that is, String or a boxed primitive type or an enum type, then a run-time error will occur if the expression evaluates to null at run time.

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A reader asked me how to work with multiple projects in Visual Studio Code and after fumbling a little I realized I had no idea. So I started trying out things.

First I created a folder in which I created two other folders ingeniously named Proj1 and Proj2. I went in both and ran dotnet new console and dotnet new classlib respectively. I moved the Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); code from the console Program.cs in a static method in the Class1 class, then called the method from Program.cs Main, then tried to find ways of referencing Proj2 from Proj1 in Visual Studio Code.

And here I got stuck. I tried the smart solutions VS Code recommended, but none of them included adding a reference. I right clicked on everything to no avail. I wrote using Proj2; by hand hoping that Code will magically understand I need a project reference. I googled, only to find old articles that discussed project.json, not .csproj type of .NET projects.

In the end I was resigned to write the reference by hand. I opened Proj1.csproj and added
<ProjectReference Include="..\Proj2\Proj2.csproj"/>

After saving the file and going to the unresolved Class1 reference, I now got using Proj2; as an option to fix it. And now I got to the problem my reader was having. When trying to run Proj1, I got Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Proj2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The system cannot find the file specified. at Proj1.Program.Main(String[] args).

It's disgustingly easy to solve, you just need to know what to do. Either Ctrl-Shit-P and type restore, then select restoring Proj1 or do it manually by going to the Proj1 folder and running dotnet restore by hand. After that the project is compiled and runs.

  1. add project reference by hand to .csproj file
  2. resolve whatever compilation errors you have by specifying the correct usings or inlining namespaces
  3. dotnet restore the project you added references to

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As a .NET developer I am very familiar with LInQ, or Language Integrated Queries, which is a collection of fluent interface methods that deal with querying data from collections. However, so many people outside the .NET ecosystem are not familiar with the concept or they use it as disparate functions in their language of choice. What makes it even more confusing is that the same concept is implemented in other languages with different names. Let me give you an example:
var arr=[1,2,3,4,5,6];
var result=arr
.Where(v=>v%2==0) //get only even values
.Select(v=>v*10) //return their values multiplied with 10
.Aggregate(15,(s,v)=>v+s); //aggregate their value into a sum that starts with a seed of 15
// result should be 15+2*10+4*10+6*10=135

We see here the use of three of these methods:
  • Where - filters the values on a condition
  • Select - changes the values it returns
  • Aggregate - creates an aggregate value using an operation on all the values in the collection

Let me write you the same C# code without using these methods:
var arr=[1,2,3,4,5,6];
var result=15;
foreach(var v in arr) {
if (v%2==0) {

In this case, some people might prefer the second version, but it is only an example. LInQ is not a silver bullet that replaces all loops, only a tool amongst many in a large toolset. Some advantages of using such a method are concise code, better readability, a common API for iterating, filtering and querying collections, etc. For example in the largely used Entity Framework or its previous incarnations such as Linq over SQL, the queries would look the same, but they would be translated into SQL and sent to the database and executed just once. So it would not get a list of thousands of records to filter it in memory, instead it would translate the expression of the function sent to the query into SQL and execute it there. The same sort of operations can be used on streams of data, rather than fixed collections, like in the case of Reactive Extensions.

Some other methods in this set include:
  • First/Last - getting the first or last element in an enumerable that satisfies a boolean condition
  • Skip - ignoring a number of values in a collection
  • Take - returning a number of values in a collection
  • Any/All - returning true if at least one or all of the items satisfy a boolean condition
  • Average/Sum/Min/Max - specific aggregating methods for the elements in the collection
  • OrderBy/OrderByDescending - sorting
  • Count - counting

There are many others, you can look them up here.

Does this system of querying data seem familiar to you? To SQL developers it will feel second nature. In SQL the same result from above would be achieved by using something like:
SELECT 15+SUM(SELECT v*10 FROM table WHERE v%2=0)

Note that other than putting the source of the data in front, LInQ syntax is almost identical.

However, in other languages this sort of data query is called map/reduce and in fact there is a very used programming model called MapReduce that applies in big data processing. In Java, the function that filters data is called filter, the one that alters the values is called map and the one that aggregates data is called reduce. Similar in Javascript. Here is the same code in Javascript:
var arr=[1,2,3,4,5,6];
var result=arr
.filter(v=>v%2==0) //get only even values
.map(v=>v*10) //return their values multiplied with 10
.reduce((s,v)=>v+s,15); //aggregate their value into a sum that starts with a seed of 15
// result should be 15+2*10+4*10+6*10=135
Note that the lambda syntax of writing functions used here is new in ECMA Script version 6. Before you would have to use the function(x) { return [something with x]; } syntax.

In Haxe, the concept is achieved by using the Lambda library and the functions are again named differently: filter for filtering, map for altering and fold for aggregating.

There is another sort of people that would instantly recognize this model of data querying: functional programming people. Indeed, SQL is a functional programming language at its core and the same standard for data querying is used very efficiently in functional programming languages, since they know whether a function is pure or not (has side effects). When only dealing with pure functions, some optimizations can be made on the query by the compiler before anything is even executed. Haskell has the same naming as Haxe (filter, map, fold) for example.

So whenever I get to review other people's code, especially people that have little experience with either SQL or C#, I cringe to see stuff like this:
var max=-1;
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if (max<arr[i]) max=arr[i];
In my head this should be simply arr.max(); And considering how easy it is to implement something like this in Javascript, for example, it's a crime for not using it:
Array.prototype.max=function() { return Math.max.apply(null,this); }

Yet there is more to this than my personal preference for reading code. Composition, for example. Because this works like a fluent API or a builder pattern, one can keep adding conditions to a query. Imagine you have to filter a list of strings based on a Google like query string. At the very minimum you would need to split the query into strings and filter repeatedly on each one. Something like this:
var arr=['this is my special query string','this is a string','my query string is this awesome','no query strings here, move along','these are not the strings you are looking for'];
var query="this is a query string";
var splits=query.split(/\s+/g);
var result=arr;

There is a lot of stuff I could be saying about this subject, but I need to summarize it. It's all about inverting loops. Instead of having to go through a collection, a stream or some other data source, then executing some code for each element, this method allows you to encapsulate the operations you want to execute on those elements, pass them around, compose them, translate them, then use them on any data source in the same way. A common API means reusability, better readability of code, less written code and a simpler declaration of intent. Because we get out of the loop system, we can expand the use for other paradigms, such as infinite data streams or event buses.

Learning ASP.Net MVC series:
  1. Setup
  2. MVC Concepts
  3. Authentication
  4. Entity Framework Fundamentals
  5. Upgrading project to .NET Core 1.1
  6. Dependency Injection and Services

Previously on Learning ASP.Net MVC...

Started with the idea of a project that would use user configurable queries to do Google searches, store the information in the results and then perform various data analysis on them and display them based on what the user wants. However, I first implemented a Google authentication and then went to write some theoretical posts. Lastly, I've upgraded the project from .NET Core 1.0 to version 1.1.

Well, it took me a while to get here because I was at a crossroads. I like the idea of dependency injectable services to do data access. At the same time there is the entire Entity Framework tutorial path that kind of wants to strongly integrate EF with my projects. I mean, if I have a service that gives me the list of all items in the database and then I want to get only a few items, it would be bad design to filter the entire list. As such, I would have to write a different method that allows me to get the items based on some kind of filters. On the other hand, Entity Framework code looks just like that "give me all you have, filtered by this" which is then translated into an efficient query to the database. One possibility would be to have my service return IQueryable <T>, so I could also use the system to generate the database code on the fly.

The Design

I've decided on the service architecture, against an EF type IQueryable way, because I want to be able to replace that service with anything, including something that doesn't work with a database or something that doesn't know how to dynamically create queries. Also, the idea that the service methods will describe exactly what I want appeals to me more than avoiding a bit of duplicated code.

Another thing to define now is the method through which I will implement the dependency injection. Being the control freak that I am, I would go with installing my own library, something like SimpleInjector, and configure it myself and use it explicitly. However, ASP.Net Core has dependency injection included out of the box, so I will use that.

As defined, the project needs queries to pass on to Google and a storage service for the results. It needs data services to manage these entities, as well as a service to abstract Google itself. The data gathering operation itself cannot be a simple REST call, since it might take a while, it must be a background task. The data analysis as well. So we need a sort of job manager.

As per a good structured design, the data objects will be stored in a separate project, as well as the interfaces for the services we will be using.

Some code, please!

Well, start with the code of the project so far: GitHub and let's get coding.

Before finding a solution to actually run the background code in the context of ASP.Net, let's write it inside a class. I am going to add a folder called Jobs and add a class in it called QueryProcessor with a method ProcessQueries. The code will be self explanatory, I hope.
public void ProcessQueries()
var now = _timeService.Now;
var queries = _queryDataService.GetUnprocessed(now);
var contentItems = queries.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(3)
.SelectMany(q => _contentService.Query(q.Text));

So we get the time - from a service, of course - and request the unprocessed queries for that time, then we extract the content items for each query, which then are updated in the database. The idea here is that, for the first time a query is defined or when the interval from the last time the query was processed, the query will be sent to the content service from which content items will be received. These items will be stored in the database.

Now, I've kept the code as concise as possible: there is no indication yet of any implementation detail and I've written as little code as I need to express my intention. Yet, what are all these services? What is a time service? what is a content service? Where are they defined? In order to enable dependency injection, we will populate all of these fields from the constructor of the query processor. Here is how the class would look in its entirety:
using ContentAggregator.Interfaces;
using System.Linq;

namespace ContentAggregator.Jobs
public class QueryProcessor
private readonly IContentDataService _contentDataService;
private readonly IContentService _contentService;
private readonly IQueryDataService _queryDataService;
private readonly ITimeService _timeService;

public QueryProcessor(ITimeService timeService, IQueryDataService queryDataService, IContentDataService contentDataService, IContentService contentService)
_timeService = timeService;
_queryDataService = queryDataService;
_contentDataService = contentDataService;
_contentService = contentService;

public void ProcessQueries()
var now = _timeService.Now;
var queries = _queryDataService.GetUnprocessed(now);
var contentItems = queries.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(3)
.SelectMany(q => _contentService.Query(q.Text));

Note that the services are only defined as interfaces which we declare in a separate project called ContentAggregator.Interfaces, referred above in the usings block.

Let's ignore the job processor mechanism for a moment and just run ProcessQueries in a test method in the main controller. For this I will have to make dependency injection work and implement the interfaces. For brevity I will do so in the main project, although it would probably be a good idea to do it in a separate ContentAggregator.Implementations project. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First make the code work, then arrange it all nice, in the refactoring phase.

Implementing the services

I will create mock services first, in order to test the code as it is, so the following implementations just do as little as possible while still following the interface signature.
public class ContentDataService : IContentDataService
private readonly static StringBuilder _sb;

static ContentDataService()
_sb = new StringBuilder();

public void Update(IEnumerable<ContentItem> contentItems)
foreach (var contentItem in contentItems)

public static string Output
get { return _sb.ToString(); }

public class ContentService : IContentService
private readonly ITimeService _timeService;

public ContentService(ITimeService timeService)
_timeService = timeService;

public IEnumerable<ContentItem> Query(string text)
yield return
new ContentItem
OriginalUrl = "http://original.url",
FinalUrl = "https://final.url",
Title = "Mock Title",
Description = "Mock Description",
CreationTime = _timeService.Now,
Time = new DateTime(2017, 03, 26),
ContentType = "text/html",
Error = null,
Content = "Mock Content"

public class QueryDataService : IQueryDataService
public IEnumerable<Query> GetUnprocessed(DateTime now)
yield return new Query
Text="Some query"

public class TimeService : ITimeService
public DateTime Now
return DateTime.UtcNow;

Now all I have to do is declare the binding between interface and implementation. The magic happens in ConfigureServices, in Startup.cs:
services.AddTransient<ITimeService, TimeService>();
services.AddTransient<IContentDataService, ContentDataService>();
services.AddTransient<IContentService, ContentService>();
services.AddTransient<IQueryDataService, QueryDataService>();

They are all transient, meaning that for each request of an implementation the system will just create a new instance. Another popular method is AddSingleton.

Using dependency injection

So, now I have to instantiate my query processor and run ProcessQueries.

One way is to set QueryProcessor as a service. I extract an interface, I add a new binding and then I give an interface as a parameter of my controller constructor:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IQueryProcessor _queryProcessor;

public HomeController(IQueryProcessor queryProcessor)
_queryProcessor = queryProcessor;

public IActionResult Index()
return View();

public string Test()
return ContentDataService.Output;
In fact, I don't even have to declare an interface. I can just use services.AddTransient<QueryProcessor>(); in ConfigureServices and it works as a parameter to the controller.

But what if I want to use it directly, resolve it manually, without injecting it in the controller? One can use the injection of a IServiceProvider instead. Here is an example:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;

public HomeController(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

public IActionResult Index()
return View();

public string Test()
var queryProcessor = _serviceProvider.GetService<QueryProcessor>();
return ContentDataService.Output;
Yet you still need to use services.Add... in ConfigureServices and inject the service provider in the constructor of the controller.

There is a way of doing it completely separately like this:
var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
.AddTransient<ITimeService, TimeService>()
.AddTransient<IContentDataService, ContentDataService>()
.AddTransient<IContentService, ContentService>()
.AddTransient<IQueryDataService, QueryDataService>()
var queryProcessor = serviceProvider.GetService<QueryProcessor>();

This would be the way to encapsulate the ASP.Net Dependency Injection in another object, maybe in a console application, but clearly it would be pointless in our application.

The complete source code after these modifications can be found here. Test the functionality by going to /test on your local server after you start the app.

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People who know me often snicker whenever someone utters "refactoring" nearby. I am a strong proponent of refactoring code and I have feelings almost as strong for the managers who disagree. Usually they have really stupid reasons for it, too. However, speaking with a colleague the other day, I realized that refactoring can be bad as well. So here I will explore this idea.

Why refactor at all?

Refactoring is the process of rewriting code so that it is more readable and maintainable. It does not mean writing code to be readable and maintainable from the beginning and it does not mean that doing it you accept your code was not good when you first wrote it. Usually the scope of refactoring is larger than localized bits of code and takes into account several areas in your software. It also has the purpose of aligning your codebase with the inevitable scope creep in any project. But more than this, its primary use is to make easy the work of people that will work on the code later on, be it yourself or some colleague.

I was talking with this friend of mine and he explained to me how, especially in the game industry, managers are reluctant to spend resources in cleaning old code before actually starting work on new one, since release dates come fast and technologies change rapidly. I replied that, to me, refactoring is not something to be done before you write code, but after, as a phase of the development process. In fact, there was even a picture showing it on a wheel: planning, implementing, testing and bug fixing, refactoring. I searched for it, but I found so many other different ideas that I've decided it would be pointless to show it here. However, most of these images and presentation files specified maintenance as the final step of a software project. For most projects, use and maintenance is the longest phase in the cycle. It makes sense to invest in making it easier for your team.

So how could any of this be bad?

Well, there are types of projects that are fire and forget, they disappear after a while, their codebase abandoned. Their maintenance phase is tiny or nonexistent and therefore refactoring the code has a limited value. But still it is not a case when refactoring is wrong, just less useful. I believe that there are situations where refactoring can have an adverse effect and that is exactly the scenario my friend mentioned: before starting to code. Let me expand on that.

Refactoring is a process of rewriting code, which implies you not only have a codebase you want to rewrite, but also that you know how to do it. Except very limited cases where some project is bought by another company with a lot more experienced developers and you just need to clean up garbage, there is no need to touch code that you are just beginning to understand. To refactor after you've finished a planned development phase (a Scrum sprint, for example, or a completed feature) is easy, since you understand how the code was written, what the requirements have become, maybe you are lucky enough to have unit tests on the working code, etc. It's the now I have it working, let's clean it up a little phase. Alternately, doing it when you want to add things is bad because you barely remember what and who did anything. Moreover, you probably want to add features, so changing the old code to accommodate adding some other code makes little sense. Management will surely not only not approve, but even consider it a hostile request from a stupid techie who only cares about the beauty of code and doesn't understand the commercial realities of the project. So suggest something like this and you risk souring the entire team on the prospect of refactoring code.

Another refactoring antipattern is when someone decides the architecture needs to be more flexible, so flexible that it could do anything, therefore they rearchitect the whole thing, using software patterns and high level concepts, but ignoring the actual functionality of the existing code and the level of seniority in their team. In fact, I wouldn't even call this refactoring, since it doesn't address problems with code structure, but rewrites it completely. It's not making sure your building is sturdy and all water pipes are new, it's demolishing everything, building something else, then bringing the same furniture in. Indeed, even as I like beautiful code, doing changes to it solely to make it prettier or to make you feel smarter is dead wrong. What will probably happen is that people will get confused on the grand scheme of things and, without expensive supervision in terms of time and other resources, they will start to cut corners and erode the architecture in order to write simpler code.

There is a system where software is released in "versions". So people just write crappy code and pile features one over the other, in the knowledge that if the project has success, then the next version will be well written. However, that rarely happens. Rewriting money making code is perceived as a loss by the financial managers. Trust me on this: the shitty code you write today will haunt you for the rest of the project's lifetime and even in its afterlife, when other projects are started from cannibalized codebases. However, I am not a proponent of writing code right from the beginning, mostly because no one actually knows what it should really do until they end writing it.

Refactoring is often associated with Test Driven Development, probably because they are both difficult to sell to management. It would be a mistake to think that refactoring is useful only in that context. Sure, it is a best practice to have unit tests on the piece of code you need to refactor, but let's face it, reality is hard enough as it is.

Last, but not least, is the partial or incomplete refactoring. It starts and sometime around the middle of the effort new feature requests arrive. The refactoring is "paused", but now part of your code is written one way and the rest another. The perception is that refactoring was not only useless, but even detrimental. Same when you decide to do it and then allow yourself to avoid it or postpone it and you do it badly enough it doesn't help at all. Doing it for the sake of saying you do it is plain bad.

The right time and the right people

I personally believe that refactoring should be done at the end of each development interval, when you are still familiar with the feature and its implementation. Doing it like this doesn't even need special approval, it's just the way things are done, it's the shop culture. It is not what you do after code review - simple code cleaning suggested by people who took five minutes to look it over - it is a team effort to discuss which elements are difficult to maintain or are easy to simplify or reuse or encapsulate. It is not a job for juniors, either. You don't grab the youngest guy in the team and you let him rearrange the code of more experienced people, even if that seems to teach the guy a lot. Also, this is not something that senior devs are allowed to do in their spare time. They might like it, but it is your responsibility to care about the project, not something you expect your team to do when you are too lazy or too cheap. Finally, refactoring is not an excuse to write bad code in the hope you will fix it later.

By the way I am talking about this you probably believe I've worked in many teams where refactoring was second nature and no one would doubt its utility. You would be wrong. Because it is poorly understood, the reaction of non technical people in a software team to the concept of refactoring usually falls in the interval between condescension and terror. Money people don't understand why change something that works, managers can't sell it as a good thing, production and art people don't care. Even worse, most technical people will rather write new stuff than rearrange old stuff and some might even take offense at attempts to make "their code" better. But they will start to mutter and complain a lot when they will get to the maintenance phase or when they will have to write features over old code, maybe even theirs, and they will have difficulty understanding why the code is not written in a way in which their work would be easy. And when managers will go to their dashboards and compare team productivity they will raise eyebrows at a chart that shows clear signs of slowing down.

Refactoring has a nasty side effect: it threatens jobs. If the code would be clean and any change easy to perform, then there will be a lot of pressure on the decision makers to justify their job. They will have to come with relevant new ideas all the time. If the effort to maintain code or add new features is small, there will be pressure on developers to justify their job as well. Why keep a large team for a project that can easily accommodate a few junior devs that occasionally add something. Refactoring is the bane of the type of worker than does their job confusingly enough that only they can continue to do it or pretend to be managing a difficult project, but they are the ones that make it be so. So in certain situations, for example in single product companies, refactoring will make people fear they will be made redundant. Yet in others it will accelerate the speed of development for new projects, improve morale and win a shit load of money.

So my parting thoughts are these: sell it right and do it right! Most likely it will have a positive effect on the entire project and team. People will be happier and more productive, which means their bosses will be happier and filthy richer. Do it badly or sell it wrong and you will alienate people and curse shitty code for as long as you work there.

It is about time to revisit my series on ASP.Net MVC Core. From the time of my last blog post the .Net Core version has changed to 1.1, so just installing the SDK and running the project was not going to work. This post explains how to upgrade a .Net project to the latest version.

Learning ASP.Net MVC series:
  1. Setup
  2. MVC Concepts
  3. Authentication
  4. Entity Framework Fundamentals
  5. Upgrading project to .NET Core 1.1
  6. Dependency Injection and Services

Short version

Pressing the batch Update button for NuGet packages corrupted project.json. Here are the steps to successfully migrate a .Net Core project to a higher version.

  1. Download and install the .NET Core 1.1 SDK
  2. Change the version of the SDK in global.json - you can find out the SDK version by creating a new .Net Core project and checking what it uses
  3. Change "netcoreapp1.0" to "netcoreapp1.1" in project.json
  4. Change Microsoft.NETCore.App version from "1.0.0" to "1.1.0" in project.json
  5. Add
    "runtimes": {
    "win10-x64": { }
    to project.json
  6. Go to "Manage NuGet packages for the solution", to the Update tab, and update projects one by one. Do not press the batch Update button for selected packages
  7. Some packages will restore, but remain in the list. Skip them for now
  8. Whenever you see a "downgrade" warning when restoring, go to those packages and restore them next
  9. For packages that tell you to upgrade NuGet, ignore them, it's an error that probably happens because you restore a package while the previous package restoring was not completed
  10. For the remaining packages that just won't update, write down their names, uninstall them and reinstall them

Code after changes can be found on GitHub

That should do it. For detailed steps of what I actually did to get to this concise list, read on.

Long version

Step 0 - I don't care, just load the damn project!

Downloaded the source code from GitHub, loaded the .sln with Visual Studio 2015. Got a nice blocking alert, because this was a .NET Core virgin computer:
Of course, I could have tried to install that version, but I wanted to upgrade to the latest Core.

Step 1 - read the Microsoft documentation

And here I went to Announcing the Fastest ASP.NET Yet, ASP.NET Core 1.1 RTM. I followed the instructions there, made Visual Studio 2015 load my project and automatically restore packages:
  1. Download and install the .NET Core 1.1 SDK
  2. If your application is referencing the .NET Core framework, your should update the references in your project.json file for netcoreapp1.0 or Microsoft.NetCore.App version 1.0 to version 1.1. In the default project.json file for an ASP.NET Core project running on the .NET Core framework, these two updates are located as follows:

    Two places to update project.json to .NET Core 1.1

  3. to be continued...

I got to the second step, but still got the alert...

Step 2 - fumble around

... so I commented out the sdk property in global.json. I got another alert:

This answer recommended uninstalling old versions of SDKs, in my case "Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 - SDK 1.0.0 Preview 2-003131 (x64)". Don't worry, it didn't work. More below:

TL;DR; version: do not uninstall the Visual Studio .NET Core Tooling

And then... got the same No executable found matching command "dotnet=projectmodel-server" error again.

I created a new .NET core project, just to see the version of SDK it uses: 1.0.0-preview2-003131 and I added it to global.json and reopened the project. It restored packages and didn't throw any errors! Dude, it even compiled and ran! But now I got a System.ArgumentException: The 'ClientId' option must be provided. Probably it had something to do with the Secret Manager. Follow the steps in the link to store your secrets in the app. It then worked.

Step 1.1 (see what I did there?) - continue to read the Microsoft documentation

The third step in the Microsoft instructions was removed by me because it caused some problems to me. So don't do it, yet. It was
  1. Update your ASP.NET Core packages dependencies to use the new 1.1.0 versions. You can do this by navigating to the NuGet package manager window and inspecting the “Updates” tab for the list of packages that you can update.

    Updating Packages using the NuGet package manager UI with the last pre-release build of ASP.NET Core 1.1

Since I had not upgraded the packages, as in the Microsoft third step, I decided to do it. 26 updates waited for me, so I optimistically selected them all and clicked Update. Of course, errors! One popped up as more interesting: Package 'Microsoft.Extensions.SecretManager.Tools 1.0.0' uses features that are not supported by the current version of NuGet. To upgrade NuGet, see Another was even more worrisome: Unexpected end of content while loading JObject. Path 'dependencies', line 68, position 0 in project.json. Somehow the updating operation for the packages corrupted project.json! From a 3050 byte file, it now was 1617.

Step 3 - repair what the Microsoft instructions broke

Suspecting it was a problem with the NuGet package manager, I went to the link in the first error. But in Visual Studio 2015 NuGet is included and it was clearly the latest version. So the only solution was to go through each package and see which causes the problem. And I went to 26 packages and pressed Install on each and it worked. Apparently, the batch Update button is causing the issue. Weirdly enough there are two packages that were installed, but remained in the Update tab and also appeared in the Consolidate tab: BundleMinifier.Core and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools, although I can't to anything with them there.

Another package (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Tools 1.0.0) caused another confusing error: Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Tools 1.0.0' uses features that are not supported by the current version of NuGet. To upgrade NuGet, see Yet restarting Visual Studio led to the disappearance of the CodeGeneration.Tools error.

So I tried to build the project only to be met with yet another project.json corruption error: Can not find runtime target for framework '.NETCoreAPP, Version=v1.0' compatible with one of the target runtimes: 'win10-x64, win81-x64, win8-x64, win7-x64'. Possible causes: [blah blah] The project does not list one of 'win10-x64, win81-x64, win7-x64' in the 'runtimes' [blah blah]. I found the fix here, which was to add
"runtimes": {
"win10-x64": { }
to project.json.

It compiled. It worked.

Ever wanted to write a quick and dirty Javascript function that would get content from the web and do something with it, but you couldn't because of the pesky cross origin security limitations? Good Samaritans have created CORS proxies to help with that!

One of them is, a completely free (and open source) proxy which can be used very easily. Instead of doing an AJAX request to http://someDomainYouDontOwn/somePage, you do it to And it works for any GET requests, as long as the Origin header is sent (browsers set it automatically for Ajax calls, but not for regular browser requests, so that why will show Origin: header is required if you open it with a browser).

But there are other options, too. CORS Anywhere, CORS proxy and even using YQL are all valid, and that after just five minutes of googling around.

Of course, one might not want to depend on flimsy external free services for a production app, but it sounds perfect for the quick and dirty bastards like me.

I have switched to a new project at work and it surprised me with the use of a programming language called Haxe. I have just begun, so I will not be able to explain to you all its intricacies, but I am probably going to write some more blog posts about it as I tread along.

What is interesting about Haxe is that it was not designed as just a language, but as a cross platform toolkit, meaning that when you compile the code you've created, it generates code in other languages and platforms, be it C++, C#, Java, Javascript, Flash, PHP, Lua, Java, Python, etc on Windows, iOS, Linux, Android and so on. It's already version 3, so you probably did hear of it, it was just me that was ignorant. Anyway, let's explore a little bit what Haxe can do.


The starting guide from their web site is telling us to follow some steps, but the gist of it is this:
  1. Download and install an IDE - we'll use FlashDevelop for this intro, for no other reason than this is what I use at work (and it's free)
  2. Once it starts, it will start AppMan, which lets you choose what to install
  3. Select Haxe+Neko
  4. Select Standalone debug Flash Player
  5. Select OpenFL Installer Script
  6. Click Install 3 Items

Read the starting guide for more details.

Writing Code

In FlashDevelop, go to Project → New Project and select OpenFL Project. Let's call it - how else? - HaxeHelloWorld. Note that right under the menu, in the toolbar, you have two dropdowns, one for Debug/Release and another for the target. Let's choose Debug and neko and run it. It should show you an application with a black background, which is the result of running the generated .exe file (on Windows) "HaxeHelloWorld\bin\windows\neko\debug\bin"\HaxeHelloWorld.exe".

Let's write something. The code should look like this, to which you add the part written in italics:

import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.Lib;
* ...
* @author Siderite
class Main extends Sprite

public function new()

var stage = flash.Lib.current.stage;
var text = new flash.text.TextField();
text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
text.text = "Hello world!";


Run it and it should show a "Hello world!" message, white on black. Now let's play with the target. Switch it to Flash, html5, neko, windows and run it.

They all show more or less the same white text on a black background. Let's see what it generates:
  • In HaxeHelloWorld\bin\flash\debug\bin\ there is now a file called HaxeHelloWorld.swf.
  • In HaxeHelloWorld\bin\html5\debug\bin\ there is now a web site containing index.html, HaxeHelloWorld.js,,favicon.png,lib\howler.min.js and lib\pako.min.js. It's a huge thing for a hello world and it is clearly a machine generated code. What is interesting, though, is that it uses a canvas to draw the string
  • In HaxeHelloWorld\bin\windows\neko\debug\bin\ there are several files, HaxeHelloWorld.exe and lime.ndll being the relevant ones. In fact, lime.ndll is not relevant at all, since you can delete it and the program still works, but if you remove Neko from your system, it will crash with an error saying neko.dll is missing, so it's not a real Windows executable.
  • Now it gets interesting: in D:\_Projects\HaxeHelloWorld\bin\windows\cpp\debug\bin\ you have another HaxeHelloWorld.exe file, but this time it works directly. And if you check D:\_Projects\HaxeHelloWorld\bin\windows\cpp\debug\obj\ you will see generated C++: .cpp and .h files

How about C#? Unfortunately, it seems that the only page explaining how to do this is on the "" domain, here: Targeting the C# Platform. It didn't work with this code, instead I made it work with the simpler hello world code in the article. Needless to say, the C# code is just as readable as the Javascript above, but it worked!

What I think of it

As far as I will be working with the language, I will be posting stuff I learn. For example, it is obvious FlashDevelop borrowed a lot from Visual Studio, and Haxe a lot from C#, however the familiarity with those might confuse you when Haxe does weird stuff like not having break instructions in switch blocks or not having the protected or internal access modifiers, yet having inheriting classes able to access private members of their base class.

What now?

Well, at the very least, you can try this free to play and open source programming toolkit to build applications that are truly cross platform. Not everything will be easy, but Haxe seems to have built a solid code base, with documentation that is well done and a large user base. It is not the new C# (that's D#, obviously), but it might be interesting to be familiar with it.