Well organized ways of doing software development

First things first
The first thing I need to say is that process, no matter which one you choose, will never work without someone to manage it and perhaps even enforce it. Even a team that agrees unanimously on how they are going to organize the work will slack off eventually. Process is never pleasant to define and follow to the letter, but it is absolutely necessary. In Scrum, for example, they defined the role of Scrum Master exactly for this reason. Even knowing fully that Scrum helps the team, developers and managers alike would cut corners and mess it all up.
The second thing I feel important to put out there before I describe a working process is that doing process for the sake of process is just stupid. The right way to think about it is like playing a game. The best way to play it may be determined by analyzing its rules and planning the actions that will benefit the player most, but no one will ever play the game if it's not fun. Therefore the first thing when determining your process is to make it work for your exact team. The second is to follow the plan as well as possible, because you know and your team knows that is the best way to achieve your goals.
A process
From my personal experience, the best way to work in a team was when we were using Scrum. I have no experience with Extreme Programming or Kanban, though, so I can't tell you which one is "best". As noted above, the best is determined by your team composition, not by objective parameters. For me Scrum was best for two main reasons.
Planning was done within the team, meaning that we both estimated and discussed the issues of the following sprint together. There was no one out of the loop, unless they chose to not pay attention, and it was always clear what we were meant to do. As with every well implemented Scrum process, we had all the development steps for our tasks done during the same sprint: planning, development, unit testing, code review, testing, demo, refactoring and documenting. At the end of the sprint we were confident we did a good job (or aborted the sprint) and that we had delivered something, no matter how trivial, and showed it working. This might not seem so important, but it is, for morale reasons. At the end of the sprint the team was seeing the fruits of their labor. So this is one reason: planned things together, made them work, showed them working and saw the results of our labor and got feedback for it.
The second reason is specific to Scrum because Scrum sprints are timeboxed. You either do what you planned to do in that time or you abort the sprint. This might sound like some pedantic implementation of a process that doesn't take into account the realities of software development, but it's not. Leaving aside the important point that one cannot judge results of work that changed direction since planning, timeboxing makes it difficult and painful to change things from the original planning. That's the main reason for it, in my opinion, and forces the team to work together from beginning to end. The product owner will not laze out and give you a half thought feature to implement because they know it will bite them in the ass if the sprint aborts midway. The developers will not postpone things because they feel they have other things more important to implement. The managers attached to the project will get that nice report they all dream about: starting with clear goals and deadlines and finishing with demonstrable results.
Personally, I also like timeboxing because I get some stuff to do and when I get it done I can do whatever the hell I want. There is no pressure to work withing a fixed daily schedule and encourages business owners to think outside the box, leave people working in their own ways as long as they produce the required results. I liked the philosophy of Scrum so much that I even considered using it for myself, meaning a Scrum of one person, working for my own backlog. It worked for a while quite well, but then I cut corners and slowly abandoned it. As I said before, you need someone to account for the proper implementation of the process. I didn't have it in me to be that person for myself. Not schizoid enough, I guess. Or my other personalities just suck.
Process can be improved significantly by tooling. The friction caused by having to follows rules (any rules) can be lessened a lot by computer programs that by definition do just that: follow rules. There is a software developer credo that says "automate everything that you can", meaning you let the computer do as much as possible for you, the rest being what you use your time for. Do the same for your development team. Use the proper tools for the issue at hand.
A short list of tools that I liked working with:
- Microsoft Visual Studio - great IDE for .NET and web development
- JetBrains ReSharper - falling in and out of love with it on a regular basis, it feels like magic in the hands of a developer. It also helps with a lot of the administrative part of development like company code practices, code consistency, overall project analysis and refactoring.
- Atlassian JIRA - "The #1 software development tool used by agile teams". It helps with tasks, management, bugs, reporting. It's web based and blends naturally with collaborative work for teams of any size. It allows for both project management and bug tracking, which is great.
- Atlassian Confluence - an online document repository. It works like a wiki, with easy to use interface for creating documents and a lot of addons for all kinds of things.
- Smartbear Code Collaborator - it makes code reviews easy to create, track and integrate.
- Version control system - this is not a product, it's a class of software. I didn't want to recommend one because people are very attached and vocal about their source control software. I worked with Perforce, SVN, Git, etc. Some are better than others, but it's a long discussion not suitable for this post. Having source control, though, is necessary for any development project.
- Some chat system - one might think this is trivial, but it's not. People need to be able to communicate instantly without shouting over their desks. Enough said.
- Jenkins - source automation server. It manages stuff like deployment, but also helps with Continuous Integration and Delivery. I liked it because I worked with it, didn't have to make it work myself. It's written in Java, after all :)
- Microsoft Exchange - used not only for emails, but also for planning of meetings between people.
- Notepad - not kidding. With all those wonderful collaborative tools I described above it is easy to forget that individuals too need to plan their work. I found it very helpful to always split my work into little things to do which I write in a text file, then follow the plan. It helps a lot when someone interrupts you from your work and then you need to know where you left off.
This is by no means a comprehensive "all you ever need" list, just some of the tools that I found really useful. However, just paying for them and installing them is not enough. They need to work together. And that's where you absolutely need a role, a person who will take care of all the software, bind them together like the ring of Sauron, and make them seamless for your team which, after all, has people with other stuff to concern themselves with.
My experience
At the beginning at the sprint we would have a discussion on stories that we would like to address in it. Stories are descriptions of features that need to be implemented. They start as business cases "As [some role], I want [something] in order to achieve [some goal]" and together with the product owner (the person in your team that is closest to the client and represents their interests) the whole team discusses overall details and splits it into tasks of various general complexities. About here the team has a rough idea of what will be part of the sprint. Documents are created with the story specifications (using Confluence, for example).
Tasks are technical in nature, so only the technical part of the team, like developers and testers, continue to discuss them. The important part here is to determine the implementation details and estimate complexity in actual time. At the end of this meeting, stories are split into tasks that have people attached to them and are estimated in hours. Now the team can say with some semblance of certainty what tasks can and which cannot be part of the sprint, taking into consideration the skill of the people in the team and their availability in the coming sprint.
Now, with the sprint set, you start work. Developers are writing technical briefs on the desired implementation, eventually the changes, comments, difficulties encountered, etc. (also using Confluence). For each feature brief you will have a technical brief, split into the tasks above. Why waste time with writing documentation while you are developing? Because whenever someone comes and asks what that feature is about, you send them a link. Because whenever you want to move the project to another team, they only have to go to one place and see what has been planned, developed and what is the status of work. The testing team also writes documents on how to proceed with testing. Testing documents will be reviewed by developers and only when that is done, the testing can proceed. Testing documents may seem a bit much, but with this any tester can just do any of the work. With a clear plan, you can take a random person and ask them to test your software. I am not trying to minimize the importance of professional testing skills, but some times you actually want people that are not associated with the development to do the testing. They will note any friction in using your software exactly because they are not close to you and have never used your product before. Also, an important use of testing documents is creating unit tests, which is a developer task.
When a piece of code has been submitted to source control, it must be reviewed (Code Collab) and the deployment framework (Jenkins) will create a task for code review (Code Collab) automate a deploy and run all unit tests and static analysis. If any of them fail, a task will be created in the task manager (Jira). When testing finds bugs, they create items in the bug tracker (Jira). Developers will go over the tasks in Jira and fix what needs fixing. Email will be sent to notify people of new tasks, comments or changes in task status. Meetings to smooth things over and discuss things that are not clear will be created in the meeting software (Exchange), where conflicts will be clear to see and solve. BTW, the room where the meeting is to take place also needs to be tracked, so that meetings don't overlap in time and space.
Wait, you will say, but you are talking more of writing documents and going to meetings and less of software writing. Surely this is a complete waste of time!
No one reasonably expects to work the entire time writing code or testing or whatever their main responsibility is. Some companies assume developers will write code only four hours out of eight. The rest is reserved for planning, meetings, writing documentation and other administrative tasks. Will you write twice as much if you code for eight hours a day? Sure. Will anyone remember what you wrote in two weeks time? No. So the issue is not if you are writing, reading documents and going to meetings instead of coding, but if you are doing all that instead of trying to figure out what the code wanted to do, what it actually does and who the hell wrote that crap (Oh, it was me, shit!). Frankly, in the long run, having a clear picture of what you want and what the entire team did wins big time.
Also please take note on how software integrates with everything to make things better for you. At my current place of work they use the same software, but it is not integrated. People create code reviews if they feel like it, bugs are not related to commits, documentation is vague and out of date, unit tests are run if someone remembers to run them and then no one does because some of them fail and no one remembers why or even wants to take a look. Tooling is nothing if it doesn't help you, if it doesn't work well together. Automate everything!
What I described above worked very well. Were people complaining about too many meetings? Yes. Was the Scrum Master stopping every second discussion in daily meetings because they were meandering out of scope? Sure. Was everybody hating said Scrum Master for interrupting them when saying important stuff then making them listen to all that testing and design crap? Of course. Ignore for a moment you will never get three people together and not have one complain. The complaints were sometimes spot on. As the person responsible for the process you must continuously adapt it to needs. Everybody in an agile team needs to be agile. Sometimes you need to remove or shorten a step, then restore them to their original and then back again. You will never have all needs satisfied at the same time, but you need to take care of the ones that are most important (not necessarily more urgent).
For example, I experienced this process for a web software project that had one hundred thousand customers that created web sites for millions of people that would visit them. There were over seventy people working on it. The product was solid and in constant use for years and years. Having a clear understanding of what is going on in it was very important. Your project might be different. A small tool that you use internally doesn't need as much testing, since bugs will appear with use. It does need documentation, so people know how to use it. A game that you expect people to play en masse for a year then forget about it also has some other requirements.
For me, the question for all cases is the same: "What would you rather be doing?". The process needs to take into account the options and choose the best ones. Would you rather have a shitty product that sells quickly and then is thrown away? Frankly, some people reply wholeheartedly yes, but that's because they would rather work less and earn more. But would you be rather reading code written by someone else and trying to constantly merge your development style with what you think they wanted to do there or reading a document that explains clearly what has been done and why? Would you rather expect people to code review when they feel like it or whenever something is put in source control? Answer this question for all members of the team and you will clearly see what needs to be done. The hard part will be to sell it to your boss, as always.
Daily meeting may not be that important if all the tasks take more than three days, but then you have to ask yourself why do tasks take so long. Could you have split development more finely? Aftermath or postmortem meetings are also essential. In them you discuss what went well and what went wrong in the previous sprint. It gives you the important feedback you need in order to adapt the process to your team and to always, always improve.
I mentioned Continuous Integration above. It's the part that takes every bit of code committed, deploys that changelist, and runs all unit tests to see if anything fails. At the end you either have all green or the person that committed the code is notified that they broke something. Not only it gives more confidence for the code written, but it also promotes unit testing, which in turn promotes a modular way of writing code. When you know you will write unit tests for all written code you will plan that code differently. You will not make methods depend on the current time, you will take all dependencies and plug them in your class without hardcoding them inside. Modularity promotes code that is easy to understand by itself, easy to read, easy to maintain and modify.
Documenting work before it starts makes it easy to find any issues before code writing even began, it makes for easy development of tasks that are implemented one after the other. Reviewing test plans makes developers see their work from a different perspective and have those nice "oh, I didn't think of that" moments.
And code review. If you need to cut as much as possible from process, remove everything else before you abandon code review. Having people read your code and shit all over it may seem cruel and unusual punishment, but it helps a lot. You cannot claim to have easy to understand code if no one reads it. And then there are those moments when you are too tired to write good code. "Ah, it works just the same" you think, while you vomit some substandard code and claim the task completed. Later on, when you are all rested, you will look at the code and wonder "What was I thinking?". If someone else writes something exactly like that you will scold them fiercely for being lazy and not elegant. People don't crap all over you because they hate you, but because they see problems in your code. You will take that constructive criticism and become a better developer, a better team player and a better worker for it.
In this post I tried to show you less how things ought to be, but how things can be. It must be your choice to change things and how to do it. Personally I enjoyed a lot this kind of organization that I felt was freeing me from all the burdens of daily work except the actual software writing that I love doing. From the managerial standpoint it also makes sense to never waste someone's skills for anything else than what they are good at. I was amazed to see how people not only not work like this, but a lot of them don't even knew this was possible and some even outright reject it.
In the way of criticism I've heard a lot of "People before process" and "We want to work here" and "We are here to have fun" and other affirmations that only show how people don't really get it. I've stated many a time above that the process needs to adapt to people; yes, it is very important and it must be enforced, but with the needs of the team put always first. This process speeds up, makes more clear and improves the work, it doesn't stop or delay it. As for fun, working with clear goals in mind, knowing you have the approval of everyone in the team and most wrinkles in the design have been smoothed out before you even began writing code is nothing but fun. It's like a beautiful woman with an instruction manual!
However, just because process can help you, doesn't mean it actually does. It must be implemented properly. It is extremely easy to fall into the "Process over people" trap, for example, and then the criticism above is not only right, but pertinent. You need to do something about it. It doesn't help that process improves productivity ten fold if all the people in the team are malcontent and work a hundred times slower just because you give them no alternative.
Another pitfall is to conceive the most beautiful process in the world, make all agile teams be productive and happy, then fail to synchronize them. In other words you will have several teams that all work as one, but the group of teams is itself not a team. That's why we had something called the Scrum of Scrums, when representatives from each team would meet and discuss goals and results.
Now ask yourself, what would you rather be doing?