Obligatory AI generated image of sexy Greek navigator surfing on bookmarks

  A while ago I wrote a browser extension called Bookmark Explorer that no one used because it had such a banal name, but it was pretty cool. I just let it die when Google took it down for being a manifest V2 extension. I plan to modernize it and make it work for modern browsers. It is now also renamed as...

Bookmark Surfer Daedalus!

  OK, it's still a silly name, but you know how naming is the hardest part, right?

  This blog post will become the official web page for the extension.

  But what does it do? Well, it allows to easily navigate in bookmark folders. Let's say you have one of those folders with hundreds of links or you, like me, open a hundred YouTube videos that you plan to eventually watch (yeah, right!) and your main memory consumption is keeping those tabs in the background. Now all you have to do is just put all of these into bookmark folders and open the first one. From it, you can quickly go forward or backward with either mouse or key combinations. The next page in the folder will be preloaded while you read the current one, so that you switch faster.


  • right click on a link and add it to the Read Later folder without having to open it (the extension opens it in the background to get the final URL and the title of the page, then closes it immediately)
  • click on extension button to get a popup with arrows forward/backward to navigate in whichever folder the current page is bookmarked in. You also get a button to move the current page to the end of the folder, so as to read it later than the others.
  •  use Ctrl-Shift-K/L for backward/forward navigation. You can also change the key shortcuts in the browser.
  • define patterns that determine what makes a URL unique. For example some web sites have different pages with the exact same URL, but a parameter changed, like YouTube or some blog platforms. Maybe even hashes. You can define the pattern for those domains. The normal pattern is just the domain and the path, ignoring query parameters and hashes.
  • manage the bookmarks in the current folder. You can select them individually, delete them, move them to the end or the start and so on.
  • see the bookmarks that you deleted - whether with the extension or some other mechanism - and choose which one to permanently remove or restore to their original location.
  • notifications of pages that you bookmarked multiple times
  • you can export the URLs of the selected items in an entire folder

  This extension is essential for people who read a lot on the Internet, like researchers or simply people who love information.


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