Bluetooth keeps turning on by itself on my Android phone

As an investigation, I tried something called Event Logger, which logs when Bluetooth is turned on or off, but fails to notify you of what did it. In fact, I am still not sure how I was supposed to determine what software did it and this demonstrates a systemic issue with mobile phones: you have no real control or even knowledge over what happens in it.
Long story short, I've uninstalled a lot of applications just to see if the problem goes away. In the end it was Firechat! After uninstalling it, the problem went away. Apparently I am not the only one experiencing this, although one of the few pages on the Internet regarding Firechat and Bluetooth claims Firechat does not turn it on by itself, although numerous reviews on the app's Google Store page say differently.
Thank you! this worked for me
Afrah Sayed SayedI've done this too but it always pops back on sooner or later.
KaraI have a Galaxy J7 Sky Pro & I've had this problem from the get go. It would happen even before I installed any apps from my old Note 3 phone. There seems to be no rhyme or reason why this happens. I've taken similar steps such as disabling apps, uninstalling, & so forth but no mattet what sooner or later the darn thing pops back on. Once I backup all my data I plan to reset the phone to factory settings. Hopefully that'll resolve the issue but I sorta doubt it will b/c like I said the phone did it outta the box. Any suggestions are welcome.
KaraI just read yours even though its a years difference 😊. That's ok. I'm going to try what you did & see if that works on my device.
MustanglovelyI'm experiencing the same problem. My Bluetooth icon keeps coming on incessantly. It's driving me nuts. I've gone through settings & it's on "Off" in my settings. I can't figure it out at all.
MustanglovelyHey Just check whether Shareit is running on background. The problem for me was SHAREit which was automatically Turning bluetooth and wifi for sharing data.
Aakanksh bansalIf you guys are in India, Wallet app "PhonePe" keeps starting bluetooth as well. Tried conversing with them & when their support couldn't even understand what I was saying realised it's time to uninstall. Scary as this app is a wallet app linked to my bank accounts.
Naveen RaoI agree. I have an Amazon Fire tablet and never had firechat. My Bluetooth turns on automatically and one of my Bluetooth headset won't connect at all to my tablet
Timothy ClayThank you bro. It helped me.
Logan GameplayThanks Man. It also work for me. I am Using Redimi Note 4
Point StopThanks
PrathamGo to Settings-> Location-> Scanning -> Bluetooth Scanning -> Off. Worked for me.
PrathamUsing Pixel. Mine fixed by going to setting, location, scanning, uncheck Bluetooth.
Eva LamI'm having this problem on my Nexus 6P running Android 7.1.1.
CurtisThank you for this post, it was driving me nuts.
Zak DwyerI just started trying Firechat and was having the same issue, however my WiFi was also getting turned on and off randomly along with my Bluetooth. I think when the app is opened the problem is worse. I'm not entirely sure if it's just Firechat though or if something else along with Firechat is creating these symptoms.
NumanerToday I expirenced the same problem with bluetooth on my phone, but I don't have Firechat app and never had... any other apps might cause it?