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Book cover  Finally a book with an actual ending! I think the Bobiverse series was supposed to be a trilogy, then Dennis E. Taylor continued to write more stuff in the same universe, because I just started a fourth book which has as many pages as the previous three books combined. So if you feel you want to stop somewhere, All These Worlds is where the story actually ends. More exciting than previous books, but also with an underwhelming resolution.

  I mean, humanity is in dire straits. Not only did they stupidly almost killed themselves off, but now a very advanced civilization is threatening them with extinction all over again. It must be hard getting out of that one! No, it's actually very easy, barely an inconvenience! Also having the power to alter solar systems but still getting snagged in moralistic, political and even legal squabbles felt underwhelming.

  Did I mention it was underwhelming? I need the whelming! Whelm me, Taylor!

  Bottom line: if you've read the first two books, for sure you will need to read this one. But don't expect too much. More content, but less resolution.


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