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Game poster  Aliens: Colonial Marines - Stasis Interrupted is actually a prequel DLC pack for Colonial Marines, which I already covered. I felt this one was a lot nicer.

  You wake up from stasis in full chaos: people are dead and dying, either from chest bursters, mature xenomorphs or soldiers with flamethrowers killing human and alien alike. You find people along the way, allies, amongst which there is also Hicks. Hey! He's from the Aliens movie!

  There are actually multiple points of view as you play multiple characters. The sounds and music really bring you into the story, it feels like you are there or at least a more cinematic story. The emotions of the characters are much better expressed, adding more to the stakes.

  If I were to criticize something, and maybe this is a problem with a lot of more recent Alien productions, is how many aliens there are and how easy it is to kill them. The player can kill one adult xenomorph with a small burst from a flame thrower. Considering this is a prequel to a movie where the alien survives falling into molten metal, I would say that's a mistake. Also the adult aliens move too much like humans.

  I loved the beginning, though, the part where you wake up without any knowledge or weapons into total pandemonium and you must survive. I would have liked the entire game to be like this, unfortunately once guns come into play it turns into a classic first person shooter.

  Bottom line: it's one of the nicer additions to the Alien universe. I liked how it made me feel I am watching and am part of a movie.


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